10 Best Home Remedies for Croup

Croup is an infectious disease that affects the trachea, larynx and bronchial tubes. Young children are prone to be affected by this disease, which can affect the vocal cords and causes respiratory issues. Croup may start off as a common cold and is accompanied by a rasping cough, which tends to aggravate the situation. Before the onset of the disease there may be fever and hoarseness of the voice. It is a contagious disease that can spread from one person to another by air or coming in contact with personal items like clothes of an affected person. There are several quick home remedies for Croup that give relief.

Causes and Symptoms of Croup

Causes: Viral infection, parainfluenza virus, coming in contact with an infected person

Symptoms: Cold, hoarseness of voice, barking cough, fever, labored breathing etc

10 Best Home Remedies for Croup

Croup often affects young children as their air passages are narrow and susceptible to infection caused by the para-influenza virus. There are several quick home remedies for Croup that give good relief, and here are the 10 best remedies:

 10. Staff Tree leaves, seeds + Honey

  • Take a bunch of dried Staff tree leaves and seeds
  • Powder the Staff tree leaves and seeds
  • Take a teaspoon of this powder
  • Mix it with two teaspoons of pure honey
  • Consume it daily for a week or 10 days

Staff tree (Celastrus Paniculatus) leaves and seeds also known as Malkangani have strong anti-oxidant properties. The seeds and leaves of this tree are also used as an aphrodisiac and a cardio and brain tonic. The Staff tree leaves and seeds also have anti-inflammatory properties and are great natural analgesics that help cure the infection caused by Croup. Staff tree leaves and seeds make one of the best home remedies for Croup.

Although Staff tree leaves and seeds do not cause adverse side effects, they need to be given in measured doses as exceeding the dosage can be dangerous. It should not be administered to pregnant women as it can cause an abortion.

9. Pineapple Flower + Honey

  • Take one teaspoon of dried Pineapple Flower powder
  • Mix it in a glass of warm water
  • Add two teaspoons of pure honey
  • Mix well and drink daily
  • Continue the process for a week or 10 days

Pineapple flower has loads of manganese and it is also very rich in Vitamin C which helps in boosting the immune system. Administering Pineapple flower powder with honey helps get relief from the cough and irritation caused by Croup. Honey is a natural antioxidant and is an excellent anti-inflammatory that aids in the speedy recovery from the disease. Pineapple flower and honey together make one of the best home remedies for Croup.

Pineapple flower does not cause any known side effects when taken in measured doses. It is quite safe and can be administered for children.

 8. Mullein Leaves

  • Take a bunch of fresh Mullein leaves
  • Boil a glass of water in a small bowl
  • Add the Mullein leaves and let it steep for 10 minutes
  • Strain and add a teaspoon of pure honey
  • Drink the tea while it is hot

Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus) is also known as White Mullein, Torches, or Our Lady’s Funnel, and is a medicinal herb that has some excellent health benefits. Mullein is a natural emollient that has astringent properties. It also has excellent sedative and narcotive properties. It is an excellent palliative for respiratory disorders and cures persistent cough arising out of the infection caused by Croup. Mullein leaves make one of the best home remedies for Croup.

Mullein tea does not cause any adverse side effects and is safe to use.

7. Sweet Basil leaves + Honey

  • Take a bunch of fresh Sweet Basil (Shri Tulsi) leaves
  • Wash and crush the leaves to extract the juice
  • Mix the juice with two teaspoons of pure honey
  • Drink this mixture once or twice daily
  • Continue the process for a week or 10 days

Sweet Basil (Shri Tulsi) is an excellent medicinal herb that has been used to treat various maladies. It is one of the main herbs prescribed in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. Sweet Basil is rich in chemical compounds like a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, myrcene, limonene, cis-ocimene, camphor, linalool and eugenol among other compounds. Honey is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent that helps by having a soothing effect on the throat. Sweet Basil and honey together make one of the best home remedies for Croup cough.

Sweet Basil does not cause any known side effects and is safe to use on children and adults. Honey also does not cause any adverse side effects and can be safely administered to infants.

6. Elderberry Flowers

  • Take a few dried Elderberry flowers
  • Boil a glass of water in a small bowl
  • Add the dried Elderberry flowers
  • Allow it to steep for 10 minutes
  • Strain and add a teaspoon of pure honey
  • Drink the tea while it is hot

Elderberry flower, otherwise also known as European Elder or simply Elder flower is a medicinal herb that has been used extensively in German system of medicine. This herb has amazing antiviral properties and is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent as well. This remedy has been used in folk medicine to fight cough, cold and flu as it is rich in Vitamin C and also has a flavonoid quercetin, which gives it the anti-oxidant properties. Elderberry flower tea is one of the best home remedies for Croup cough.

Elderberry flower does not cause any major side effects when used in measured quantities. However, it may cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea if the dosage is exceeded.

5. Betel Leaves Tea

  • Take three to four fresh Betel Leaves
  • Cut the leaves to small pieces
  • Boil a glass of water in a small bowl
  • Add the cut Betel leaves
  • Let it steep for 10 minutes
  • Strain and add a teaspoon of honey
  • Drink the decoction daily for a week or 10 days

Betel leaves are chewed by most Indians as they are one of the best natural digestive agents. However, Betel leaves also have an excellent analgesic property that gives instant relief from pain and discomfort. Betel leaf juice has been used in folk medicine to treat simple bruises, rashes and inflammation. Betel tea is one of the best home remedies for Croup cough.

It do not cause any adverse side effects. The leaves have a strong, pungent taste that can be harsh for some.

4. Marjoram Tea

  • Take a few fresh leaves of Marjoram (Oregano)
  • Boil a glass of water in a small bowl
  • Add the Marjoram leaves and allow it to steep for 10 minutes
  • Strain and drink the tea while it is hot
  • Continue the process for a week or so

Marjoram (Origanum majorana) commonly known as Oregano is an aromatic herb. It is used in aroma therapy, and as tea for curing several disorders. Native to Egypt and Arabia, this herb is grown extensively all over the world. Apart from being used as a culinary additive in the cooking of most cultures, it has been used as folk medicine for curing colds, coughs, fever and aches and pains. Marjoram tea is one of the best home remedies for Croup cough.

Marjoram is a herb that does not cause any major side effects. However, it is harmful for the eyes (when applied physically) and can cause skin irritation if applied topically for an extended period of time.

3. Chamomile Tea

  • Take a few petals of dried Chamomile flower
  • Boil a glass of water in a small bowl
  • Add the dried Chamomile flower petals
  • Allow it to steep for 10 minutes
  • Strain and add a teaspoon of pure honey
  • Drink the tea once or twice daily
  • Continue the process for a week or 10 days

Chamomile (Matricaria Recutita) is a daisy-like plant that has some amazing medicinal properties. It belongs to the Asteraceae family and is native to Europe. Chamomile tea has been used as folk medicine for treating several illnesses as it has amazing antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and was found to be effective in treating Asthma, fever, inflammation and nausea among other disorders. Chamomile contains compounds like terpene hydrocarbons, angelic and tiglic acid. Chamomile tea is one of the best home remedies for Croup.

While Chamomile tea is considered safe as it does not cause any major side effects, excessive use of this remedy can cause nausea or vomiting. Those who are allergic to daisy and aster flowers can be allergic to Chamomile as well.

2. Wild Cherry Bark

  • Take two teaspoons of Wild Cherry Bark powder
  • Boil some water in a wide mouthed vessel
  • Add the Wild Cherry Bark powder
  • Use a blanket to cover yourself and do steam inhalation
  • Continue the process a couple of times daily for a week
  • Alternatively, make tea from Wild Cherry Bark powder and drink

Wild Cherry Bark, also known as Black Choke, or Rum Cherry Bark has been used successfully for treating colds, whooping cough, bronchitis and certain lung infections. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent and also has cough inhibiting properties, and is effective in curing sore throats caused due to Croup infection. Wild Cherry Bark powder is one of the best home remedies for Croup cough.

While Wild Cherry Bark is safe when used in small quantities, it could turn toxic when used in large quantities for a long period of time. It is not safe to administer to pregnant women and lactating mothers.

1. Wintergreen Oil 

  • Take two teaspoons of undiluted, therapeutic, Wintergreen oil
  • Boil two to three glasses of water in a wide mouthed vessel
  • Add the Wintergreen oil and do steam inhalation
  • Continue the process twice daily for a week or so
  • Alternatively, the oil may be applied on the throat and massaged

Wintergreen oil (Gaultheria Procumbens) is a herbal extract that is a natural antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiarthritic, antirheumatic, and a natural analgesic. Additional it is an excellent aromatic agent and a natural diuretic as well. The remedy also contains Methyl Salicylate, which is a natural pain killer that is effective in relieving joint pain. Wintergreen oil, which is also an anodyne, is one of the best home remedies for Croup cough.

While Wintergreen oil is safe to use topically, it has highly poisonous and should never be ingested. It seeps through the skin and works on the muscles to give pain relief.

See a doctor immediately if:

  • There is persistent nonstop coughing
  • It is earache or fluid oozing
  • There is persistent fever for more than 3 days