10 Best Home Remedies for Chigger Bites

The very mention of Chiggers may send shivers down the spine for many people. Chiggers are those tiny little red monsters, which are actually mites that belong to the spider family. They love sucking human blood, which is their staple diet. Chiggers are found in hordes in the garden, thick woods, amongst succulent grass fields, and weeds growing in the wild. They fix themselves on the body, with armpits, ankles, knees, waist and groin being their favorite haunts. The bites can be stinging and irritating and cause severe itching. There are several quick home remedies for Chiggers that give instant relief.

Causes and Symptoms of Chiggers

Causes: Chigger bites leave an enzyme in the blood of the victim, causing itching, blisters and redness

Symptoms: Itching, redness, formation of blisters, hives or rashes

While Chigger bites are not very serious they can cause a lot of irritation and discomfort. There are some quick home remedies for Chiggers that give almost instant relief, and here is the list,

Natural Home Remedies for Chigger Bites

10: Aloe Vera Gel

  • Take two thick leaves of Aloe Vera
  • Shave off the thorny spikes on either side
  • Remove the skin on the rounded side
  • Scrape the colorless gel into a clean bowl
  • Apply the gel on the affected parts
  • Let it sit for a couple of hours
  • Repeat the process twice daily for 3 to 4 days

Aloe Vera is an amazing herb that has some great medicinal benefits. Apart from being an excellent antioxidant, it is also a very effective anti-inflammatory agent. Applying Aloe Vera gel on the Chigger bites has a soothing effect and helps get relief from the irritation and itching. It also acts as an antiseptic agent and helps with the healing process. Aloe Vera gel is one of the best home remedies for Chiggers.

Aloe V era is a safe herb that does not cause any side effects. It is a skin friendly natural herb that is great for the skin and hair.

9. Olive Oil

  • Take two to three tablespoons of virgin olive oil
  • Wash the Chigger bitten portion and dab dry
  • Apply the virgin olive oil using a surgical cotton ball
  • Allow it to sit for a couple of hours
  • Wash with warm water and a mild detergent
  • Repeat the process a couple of times daily for 3 to 4 days

Olive oil is loaded with Vitamin E and antioxidants that work wonders on the skin. Moreover, it is also an effective anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce the hives caused by Chigger bites. The polyphenols, polysterols found in olive oil help protect the skin against infections and keep it safe from the toxic effect of Chigger bites. Olive oil is one of the best home remedies for Chigger bites.

Olive oil does not cause any adverse side effects and is quite safe to use on adults and children alike.

8. Baking Soda Scrub/Soak

  • Take two tablespoons of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • Sprinkle some water to make a paste
  • Apply the paste on the affected parts
  • Allow it to sit for a couple of hours and wash
  • Alternatively, add 4 to 5 tablespoons of baking soda to half a bucket of warm water
  • Soak the affected parts in the baking soda mixed water for 10 to 15 minutes
  • Continue the process until the itching subsides

Baking soda is one of the best remedies for treating Chigger bites. It has a soothing effect and helps to get relief from the irritation and itching caused by Chigger bites. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent and is also an excellent antibacterial agent that helps to hasten the healing process by getting rid of the hives caused by Chigger bites. Applying the paste or soaking in baking soda mixed water give relief from the itching. Baking soda is an excellent and easy home remedy for Chigger bites.

Baking soda does not cause any known side effects. However, if applied on sensitive skin, it may cause a severe burning sensation.

7. Castor Oil

  • Take two to three teaspoons of refined castor oil
  • Apply it on the affected parts and massage gently
  • Allow it to sit for a couple of hours
  • Wash with warm water and mild detergent and dab dry
  • Continue the process twice daily for a week or so

Castor oil is naturally skin friendly and helps protect the skin from infections. Castor oil has been recommended for delicate facial skin and helps tone it and achieve smooth skin with flawless complexion. It is a natural emollient for dry skin and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and helps get relief from the itching and pain caused by Chigger bites. It also helps in getting rid of the rashes and hives caused by Chigger bites. Castor oil is one of the best home remedies for Chiggers.

Castor oil does not cause any side effects on the skin and is safe to use. If you use unrefined castor oil, the strong odor may prevent you from going out without washing it off with soap.

6. DIY homemade cream

  • Take a teaspoon of powdered sea salt (samudra lavang)
  • Take one teaspoon of Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • Take two teaspoons of bentonite clay
  • Take a teaspoon of Witch Hazel
  • Take a teaspoon of undiluted peppermint essential oil
  • Mix all the above ingredients together and sprinkle a bit of water
  • Make a fine paste of the above
  • Apply on the affected parts

Sea salt is a natural antiseptic agent that helps get rid of the toxic effect of the Chigger bites. Baking soda has a soothing effect and helps get relief from the itching and burning. Bentonite clay also has a soothing effect and helps get relief. Witch Hazel and peppermint essential oil have an anti-inflammatory effect and help reduce the inflammation. Together sea salt, baking soda, bentonite clay, witch hazel and peppermint essential oil make a great homemade cream that is the best home remedy for Chigger bites.

Sea salt, baking soda, bentonite clay, witch hazel or peppermint oil do not have any adverse side effects and are safe to use. Baking soda and sea salt may cause a bit of irritation and a burning sensation on sensitive skin.

5. Neem Paste

  • Take a bunch of fresh Neem (Indian Lilac) leaves
  • Grind the Neem leaves into a fine paste
  • Mix a teaspoon of organic Turmeric Powder
  • Sprinkle some water to make a paste
  • Apply on the affected portions
  • Allow it to sit for a couple of hours
  • Wash and pat dry
  • Repeat process for 3 to 4 days

Neem leaves have been used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for ages. It has been used as a cure for treating measles and chicken pox successfully. The healing powers of Neem are high and research studies have proved that Neem has a curative effect for various skin afflictions. Apart from being an excellent antibiotic, it has some great anti-inflammatory properties as well. Neem paste helps get rid of the toxic effects caused by Chiggers bites. Neem paste is one of the best home remedies for Chigger bites.

Neem and Turmeric are natural products that do not cause any side effects and are safe to use. Both these substances are very skin friendly and help protect the skin.

4. Raw Garlic Juice

  • Take 3 to 4 pods of fresh garlic
  • Peel, wash and crush the garlic and extract the juice
  • Apply the juice on the affected portions
  • Let it sit for a couple of hours
  • Wash with warm water and mild detergent and pat dry
  • Repeat process for 3 to 4 days

Garlic is a natural herb that has some great medicinal properties. It has been used as a remedy for various ills in folk medicine and is used as an important natural medicine in the Ayurvedic system of medicine as well. Garlic has antiseptic properties and is a natural antimicrobial and antibacterial agent. It helps get rid of the toxic effects of Chigger bites and get relief from the itching. Garlic is one of the best home remedies for Chiggers.

Garlic is a natural herb that does not cause any adverse side effects. However, it may cause a burning sensation and irritation on sensitive skin. Moreover, garlic has a strong, pungent smell that is not very pleasant.

3. Turmeric Powder + Coconut Oil

  • Take two teaspoons of organic Turmeric powder
  • Add two teaspoons of virgin coconut oil to make a paste
  • Apply the Turmeric paste on the affected areas
  • Cover it with some of surgical cotton and tape
  • Let it sit overnight
  • Remove the cotton in the morning and wash with warm water
  • Repeat the process for a week or so

Turmeric is a wonder spice that has curative powers that are extolled in various Ayurvedic texts. It is a natural antiseptic and helps heal severe wounds, and helps in curing Chigger bites. Turmeric is a natural antiseptic agent that helps hasten the healing process. It also has amazing anti-inflammatory properties that help get rid of the inflammation caused by Chigger bites. Coconut oil has a soothing effect and helps get rid of the itching. Turmeric and coconut oil make one of the best home remedies for Chigger bites.

Turmeric powder and coconut oil do not cause any adverse side effects and are safe to apply on the skin.

2. Basil Leaves (Tulsi)

  • Take a handful of fresh Basil leaves
  • Wash the leaves and crush them to make a paste
  • Apply the Basil leaf paste on the Chigger bite area
  • Allow it to sit for a couple of hours
  • Wash with warm water and mild soap
  • Repeat process twice daily for 2 to 3 days

Basil leaf has been used as a skin tonic to attain a blemish-free skin and as for treating minor and major skin afflictions. It is a natural antiseptic agent and has proved to be very effective in the treatment of pimples and acne. Applying basil leaf paste on the Chigger bites helps detoxify and remove the harmful toxic effect. Moreover, it helps purify the blood and hastens the healing process. Hence, Basil leaves are one of the best home remedies for Chigger bites.

Basil is a natural herb that does not have any adverse side effects and is safe to apply topically on the skin and to take orally as well.

1. Pure Honey

  • Take two teaspoons of pure, organic honey
  • Wash the insect bite area and apply some honey
  • Let it sit for a couple of hours
  • Wash with warm water and soap
  • Repeat the process twice daily for 2 to 3 days

The goodness of honey has been extolled in several Ayurvedic texts and it has also been extensively used in folk medicine all over the world. In Africa, honey has been traditionally used to treat burn injuries and it is believed to even help remove burn scars. The antibiotic qualities of honey make it great for treating Chigger bites. Moreover, it has some great anti-inflammatory properties as well which help in containing the inflammation and speeds up the recovery process. Honey is one of the natural home remedies for Chigger Bites

Honey does not cause any known side effects and is safe to use. Applying honey may attract other insects and ants, hence beware.


See a doctor immediately if:

  • The itching and burning sensation do not subside
  • There is high fever and dizziness or nausea