10 Best TED Talks On Sex, Health, Fitness And Meditation

A small idea is said to bring about a revolutionary change. Ideas need to be shared so that they can bring about a change in the widespread beliefs, thoughts and the attitudes of the people. With the advent of the internet, sharing of ideas has become extremely easy.

TED, a non-profit organization, is a pioneer in this direction. It spreads ideas in various domains in the form of small and powerful talks as videos of about 20 minutes popularly known as “Ted talks.” However, a few conversations happened to daze many minds. So, let us see the 2016’s ten best TED talks about Sex, Fitness, health, and meditation:

1. Jamie Oliver: Teach Every Child About Food

The obesity rates in America are rising, and Jamie Oliver is trying to fight this evil in America & U.K. In TED talks, he converses about the various reasons leading to obesity, which may be either bad eating habits or an erratic schedule. In this TED talk, he tells about how deadly the consequences can be if one’s obesity goes out of control. He gives some useful health tips one need to put in to fight obesity and fix it.

2. Mary Roach: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Orgasm

Mary Roach (a science journalist), in a very light-hearted and humorous way, enlightens the masses about orgasm and various facts associated with it. In this educational talk, Roach covers many things like an anorgasmic tooth-brushing session and orgasm after death being two out of ten. The video is a good watch for all to know new and undiscovered facts about orgasm, clears many doubts in the minds of the people, and definitely, deserves a place in the ten best TED talks of 2016.

3. Graham Hill: Why I Am A Weekday Vegetarian

There is always a buzz about non-vegetarian food. People are motivated to give up meat in their meals and eat all greens to be fit but all those for whom meat is an essential part of their diet and do not want to give it up; Hill comes to their rescue in this 2016’s best Ted talks. Hill talks about giving up meat from Monday to Friday and then having all the bacon of the week on Saturday and Sunday. Hill gives reasons that why living on one diet is not a good idea and one can be healthy by following both forms of meals in a balanced way.

4. Dean Ornish: Healing Through Diet

Healthy choices are to be made to live a good and long life. Ornish very interestingly and entertainingly presents this fact in the Ted talk. He discusses that our body wants to heal itself, which can be done by following a healthy and balanced lifestyle. The talk emphasizes on the fact that one should not only focus on healthy habits and nutrition for getting slim, but to attain a good health and prevent the problems before they can harm our bodies.

5. Dan Buettner: How To Live To Be 100+

If you are looking around for ways to live a longer life than this TED talk is surely for you, as it’s based on Dan’s research across the globe in countries with the longest lifespan. He studied deeply what the inhabitants of these countries do and what kind of lifestyle they follow to live more than the average lifespan. Dan further says that the secret to longevity is just limited to a healthy lifestyle but extends beyond it to other factors too such as social interactions and the culture of the place.

6. A.J. Jacobs: How Healthy Living Nearly Killed Me?

There are many dos and donts about what one should do, to get a good health and how all of us try to follow as many as we can. If you are also among them, then this session is a must-watch video for you. Jacob talks about all the hilarious experiences he had while following all the advice. The funny experience is a way to educate the people about the truth that one should follow one-step at a time and should always maintain an optimistic perspective towards life.

7. Daniel Kraft: Medicine’s Future? There’s An App For That

Kraft talks about the use of technology to improve the existing healthcare especially in the fields of diagnostics and data sharing. Technology can play a revolutionary role in this aspect and can bring about a lot of needed change for the improvement of the existent healthcare faculties so that they can provide the maximum benefit to the people.

8. Yann Dall’aglio: Love – You Are Doing It Wrong

Seduction is an essential part of the lives of the couples, but the majority of people perform it in the wrong way. Yann talks about it where she breaks in all the myths created by the movies and other mediums and educates the people about the right ways and tricks to master this art.

9. Andrew Solomon: Depression The Secret We Share

The talk is based on Solomon research and talks about depression in detail. The talk covers his personal experiences about his treatment and the fight against the mental illness within the surroundings of an impoverished neighborhood.

His research is basically concentrated in such neighborhoods where mental illness goes unnoticed, undiagnosed and untreated. In such regions, people are more faith driven, attributed to the events occurring in their lives and circumstances rather than figuring out the true cause for them. He requests people to select the treatment proudly rather than hiding it.

10. Martin Seligman: The New Era Of Psychology

In this Seligman talks about a new field of study developed by him was known as positive psychology, which can be used to cure mental problems and mental illness.