
Everything You Need to Know About Abdominal Etching

Want your abs to look chiseled and stand out? A six-pack liposculpture, also referred to as abdominal etching, is a type of plastic surgery that could meet your expectations. If you have a healthy diet, a muscular stomach, and a regular exercise routine, this procedure would be suitable for you. Abdominal etching can enable you to etch out a washboard stomach without a diligent workout routine. Nevertheless, traditional liposuction may be a better option if a patient desires a flat midsection only.

Abdominal pain
Image downloaded by tanya corfield at 8:02 on the 23/07/14

Are you a candidate?

There are various ways to know if you are an ideal candidate for abdominal etching. In most cases, an individual with an athletic body and already pronounced mid-section muscles is a perfect candidate. Consistent exercise regimens and a healthy diet do not always achieve a well-defined look. The same goes for an individual with strong abdominal muscles. If you have been discouraged for not having abs even after following a rigorous exercise regime and still have fat pockets in your midsection, you may be a good candidate.

What happens in an abdominal etching procedure?

Like liposuction, abdominal etching is where specific pockets of fat in the abdominal area are removed. This modifies the contour of the individual’s abs. Small incisions are made on the abdomen at times through the belly button. The fat covering the abs is then extracted. The etching, which is part of the name, is derived from the small incisions. In most cases, the procedure takes an hour and is regularly an outpatient treatment.

Techniques used

How liposculpture is performed has undergone various changes since its inception in 2005. Back then, it was said more than 68,000 procedures were done on the abdomen with the previous techniques. With increased surgical and non-surgical methods, there is an immeasurable number of abdominal etchings done in this day and age.

Some of these techniques include:

Vaser Technology

Vaser is a non-surgical procedure that is based on the use of ultrasound. It is considered to be entirely safe on the abdomen.

Abdominal laser technology

In this method, the fatty lumps on the abdominal area are dissolved under the skin. This is done through a device that uses laser radiation to convert the fat into liquid and then emit it out. The result is an emergence of a six-pack.

Three categories of laser-these types differ in the magnitude of their frequency.

Smart Lipo: It works with moderate frequencies, and apart from carving the mid-section, it gets rid of cellulite.

Cool Lipo: For a thorough breaking of fat, cool lipo is the most effective because of its high frequency

Soft Lipo: has an average frequency

Other techniques used

Acoustic ultrasound: this works through a device that is moved on the skin of the abdomen. The device has high-frequency ultrasound and enables the breakup of fat cells.

Mesotherapy: In this method, Lipo dissolve injection is injected through the abdomen. It contains mesotherapy ingredients such as minerals and enzymes. The main component is lecithin. This results in abdominal fat dissolution. It is also used to conceal cellulite, giving a harmonious appearance.

Radiofrequency technology: In this method, the skin is penetrated to access the fat cells. Once there, the fat is converted to liquid, sucked out, and disposed of. The downside is that it causes adipose tissue damage.

Lipo Zap Technique: This method uses a combination of radio frequencies, infrared, and mesotherapy to do abdominal etching.

Preparations that are done on the patient.

The following should be done on the patient before the procedure begins:

  • Smoking should be stopped a week before as it narrows the veins, reducing oxygen percentages in the blood.
  • There is an increased risk of complications if the abdomen has too much fat. It is recommended the individual loses 50% of their ideal weight.
  • A week before surgery, any alcohol and green tea intake should be stopped as they cause bleeding and delay blood clotting.
  • It is difficult for a person taking stimulants to feel the effects of anesthesia. It is recommended not to take them, for the operation to go as planned.
  • A good healthy diet is recommended. It should contain protein as it aids in the healing process.

Dos and don’ts for the patient after an operation.

The patient should adhere to the following points to have quick and desired results.

  • No rigorous exercise and carrying of heavy objects for at least four weeks.
  • However, sports are allowed daily to maintain the new abdomen from three weeks on wards.
  • Keep off high-calorie food (junk), drink plenty of water, and maintain a healthy diet.
  • You can resume smoking after three weeks from the time of the operation.

Risks Involved

Depending on the patient’s condition, the following can be experienced.

  • Minute scars appear on the abdomen but disappear after some months.
  • Abdominal bruises, though anti-bruising medication can take care of that.
  • Allergies due to the chemicals used in anesthesia.
  • Accumulation of fluid in the muscle tissue may cause subcutaneous hemorrhagic swelling.
  • Loss of sensitivity in the abdominal area for four to eight weeks.
  • The tools used may not be adequately sterilized at times, and a bacterial infection may occur. However, it disappears with an intake of antibiotics.
  • In incompetent doctors, using Vaser or laser technology, surface skin burns may occur.

Abdominal etching removes fat covering the abs to make them stand out. It is an outpatient surgery that uses surgical and non-surgical procedures. Some methods used include Lipo, radio frequency, mesotherapy, laser, and laser technology. The patient should stop drinking and smoking at least a week before the operation. The same goes for herbal tea. If the patient has plenty of fat in the abdomen, they should work on reducing it to help prevent complications.

Once the procedure is completed, the patient is advised on maintaining a healthy diet and consuming water regularly. Patients can perform sports from the third week but no rigorous exercises for four weeks from the day of the procedure.

With a competent and experienced doctor, abdominal etchings can provide wonderful results as the patient envisioned.

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