Most of us love and adore little kids and like to cuddle and pamper them, however when it comes to having kids of our own we hesitate. That’s because most people want to plan the right time to bring in a kid of their own into this world. A planned pregnancy helps avoid nasty situations, though how to go about it is the vexing question. A newly married couple may have many reasons to postpone the arrival of a baby and most drugs prescribed for this can cause side effects. However, using herb based contraceptive methods are quite effective and do not cause any major side effects. There are several easy home remedies for birth control.
10 Best Home Remedies For Birth Control
Herbal methods for preventing fertilization have been used in folk medicine for ages as postponing the prospect of getting pregnant is quite old. There are several easy and safe naural birth control methods available, and here are the 10 best:
10. Queen Anne’s Lace
- Soak 2 teaspoons of Queen Anne’s Lace seeds in some water.
- Grind the seeds into a fine paste.
- Mix in a glass of warm water and drink once daily for a week
Queen Anne’s lace (Duncas carota), also known as wild carrot seeds, have been used as an effective and safe contraceptive right from the 4th century B.C. They are probably the most potent anti-infertility medicine used in several parts of the world. The compounds present in these seeds prevent the implantation process and can even dislodge a fertilized egg and prevent pregnancy. It is the terpenoid compound present in the seeds that block progesterone synthesis in a pregnant woman. Queen Anne’s lace is one of the best home remedies for birth control.
While Queen Anne’s lace does not cause any major side effects when consumed in measured quantities, it may cause kidney damage and nerve problems when the dosage is exceeded. It can also cause allergic skin reactions leading to rashes and risk of sunburn when exposed to harsh sunlight.
9. Ginger
- Take a finger of fresh ginger. Wash, peel and grate the ginger.
- Boil a glass of water and add the grated ginger.
- Steep for 10 minutes. Strain and add a teaspoon of honey.
- Drink this concoction early in the morning on an empty stomach
Ginger is a medicinal root that has several amazing medicinal properties. Apart from being a natural antimicrobial and antibacterial agent, it is an excellent digestive agent as well. However, when the ginger tea is consumed early in the morning on an empty stomach it induces menstrual bleeding and helps prevent unwanted pregnancies. Ginger is one of the easiest herbal home remedies for birth control.
While drinking ginger tea does not cause any adverse side effects, it is not recommended for people with peptic or gastric ulcer as it can cause irritation and a burning sensation in the stomach.
8. Stoneseed Root
- Boil 1 teaspoon of Stoneseed root powder in a glass of water.
- Add the Stoneseed root powder. Steep for 6 to 8 minutes. Strain and drink the tea (add a teaspoon of honey for taste).
Stoneseed root was probably used as a birth control medicine first by the Navajo Indian tribes and the Dakota and Shoshone tribes. The Natives were believed to steep the root in cool stream water for one or two hours before administering it to the squaw who needed to abort an unwanted pregnancy. However, it was only after 1945 that the rest of the world became aware of the powers of Stoneseed root as a contraceptive. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has confirmed the effectiveness of this herb as a natural birth control medicine. Stoneseed root powder is one of the best natural ways to control birth.
While there is no evidence of any adverse side effects caused by Stoneseed root it is not recommended for prolonged use.
7. Papaya
- Take a ripe Papaya, wash, and peel.
- Cut the Papaya into small cubes (remove seeds).
- Eat the Papaya an hour before intercourse. It may also be consumed after pregnancy is confirmed. However, this is only if abortion is required.
Papaya (Carica Papaya) is considered one of the best natural foods that have multiple health benefits. Apart from aiding digestion and curing constipation it helps boost the immune system and is heart-healthy. Packed with minerals and vitamins, it is considered the poor man’s health food. However, Papaya also has another, very important quality – It is a natural contraceptive agent and is also a very powerful abortion agent. Papaya is one of the most effective natural home remedies for birth control.
Papaya does not cause any adverse side effects and is loaded with health benefits. However, it can also act as a contraceptive agent and as an abortion agent as well. This is one of the most popular natural birth control methods in India.
6. Jack in the Pulpit Root
- Take a teaspoon of dried (partially) Jack in the Pulpit Root.
- Add it to a glass of cold water. Allow it to steep for an hour or so.
- Strain and drink the liquid. Repeat the process each time prevention is required.
Jack in the Pulpit Root (Arisaema triphyllum) is a natural antiseptic that is acrid in nature. The root, when dried partially, is an excellent expectorant, stimulant, and irritant. Apart from being used as a poultice to cure headaches, sores, and boils, this amazing root was used as a natural contraceptive by Native Indians. However, it was used more like a contraceptive than for aborting the fetus. When steeped in hot water for a while and consumed, this root can cause permanent sterility. Jack in the Pulpit Root is one of the best natural remedies for birth control.
While Jack in the Pulpit root does not cause any adverse side effects, it can cause a very unpleasant taste in the mouth due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. It can also cause permanent sterility if steeped in hot water and consumed.
5. Smartweed Leaves
- Take a bunch of Smartweed leaves. Wash and chop the leaves into fine pieces
- Boil a glass of water in a small bowl. Add the chopped leaves and allow to boil.
- Add a pinch of salt and mix well. Consume the mixture while it is hot (soup).
Smartweed leaves make one of the best natural birth control aids. Smartweed has been used as a medicine both in the Western and Eastern systems of folk medicine. It has strong astringent properties and is used for treating bleeding issues, skin afflictions, diarrhea etc. It is also an excellent anti-inflammatory agent with carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic properties apart from being a stimulant. More importantly, Smartweed leaves make a good natural birth control aid and prevent ovulation. Smartweed leaves make one of the best natural home remedies for birth control.
While Smartweed leaves do not cause any adverse side effects when consumed in measured quantities, they can cause mineral deficiency when the dose is exceeded and due to prolonged use.
4. Neem
- Take a 5 cc of Neem oil. Have it injected at the meeting point of the uterus and Fallopian tubes. Alternatively, men can take 2 Neem tablets daily.
- Applying Neem oil or extract on the Vagina helps protect against infection.
Neem is one of the most celebrated medicinal trees that have multiple health benefits. The leaves of Neem have amazing medicinal benefits and can cure various skin afflictions, chicken pox, and make an excellent spermicidal agent that helps kill the spermatozoa. Neem is probably the safest natural birth control aid that can be used without any risks. Neem is one of the best natural ways to control birth.
Neem does not cause any adverse side effects and is quite safe to use.
3. Rue Leaves
- Take a bunch of fresh or dried Rue leaf powder. Boil a glass of water in a small bowl
- Add the Rue leaves/leaf powder. Steep for 5 to 7 minutes. Strain and add a teaspoon of honey. Drink the tea while it is hot.
Rue (Ruta graveolens) belongs to the Rutaceae family, and its leaves have medicinal properties. Also known as Herb of Grace, German Rue, garden rue or common rue, its extract has been used effectively as a channel blocker. Apart from being useful in treating neuromuscular problems and delayed menstruation it has been used as an antispasmodic as well. More importantly, Rue is an effective abortifacient or abortive agent and helps get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Rue is one of the best home remedies for birth control.
Although Rue does not cause any adverse side effects when consumed in medicinal doses, it can cause photosensitization, and it can also cause kidney damage and gastric pain when the dosage is exceeded.
2. Silphium
- Mix 1 teaspoon (15 to 20 drops) of Silphium tincture in a glass of warm water. Mix well.
- Drink this mixture daily for a week or so. Continue taking this remedy whenever birth control measures are needed.
Silphium (Silphium Lacinatum) also known as the cup plant, the Indian cup plant or the Ragged cup is a medicinal plant, and the root portion of the plant is what contains the maximum medicinal value. With a persistent, acrid taste, the cup plant acts as a tonic, alternative and diaphoretic. It is also used to treat internal bruises, liver abnormalities, and makes an excellent restorative. Moreover, it is one of the best natural birth control aids that have been used extensively to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Silphium is one of the best natural home remedies for birth control.
While Silphium is not known to cause any adverse side effects, there are no documented cases reported. It is better to consult a herbalist before taking this remedy.
1. Dried Apricots & Honey
- Take a few dried Apricots (about 100 g). Boil 2 glasses of water in a bowl.
- Add the dried Apricots and steep for 30 minutes.
- Add 2 teaspoons of pure honey. Drink a cup of this mixture once on required days.
Dried Apricots make one of the best home remedies for birth control. They help in preventing unwanted pregnancies. This remedy is also suitable for containing heavy menstrual bleeding. While dried Apricots can function as effective birth control agents, they can also cause an abortion if the pregnancy is confirmed. Hence, pregnant women need to think twice, and only take this remedy if they want an abortion. Dried Apricot and honey together make one of the safest natural home remedies for birth control.
While dried Apricots do not cause any adverse side effects, excess consumption can lead to constipation. Honey, however, does not cause any adverse side effects.
See a doctor immediately if:
- There is excessive bleeding that does not subside.
- If there is severe abdominal pain.
- You need to know the best time to have an abortion.