
10 Home Remedies For Osteoporosis (Fragile Bones)

Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that occurs when the body loses bone mass heavily, and is not able to regenerate the lost bone mass. This results in the bones becoming weaker and fragile, and breaking easily due to minor accidents. Sometimes the bone is so weak that a hefty sneeze is enough to cause breakage! However, there are several effective home remedies for Osteoporosis that help cure the disorder easily.anatomy of bone

The term Osteoporosis can be literally translated to “porous bone” where the bone resembles a honeycomb, with the holes becoming larger with progressive loss of bone. People who are older than 50 need to check their bone mineral density to rule out the possibility of reduction in bone mass density. Suffering fractures when you are over 50 calls for an X-ray and detailed examination by an orthopedist who will be able to rule out the possibility of you having contracted the disease.Causes of Osteoporosis

Causes of Osteoporosis

  • Imbalance between new bone formation and old bone resorption
  • Decrease of the hormones estrogen in women, and androgen in men
  • Onset of menopause is another cause
  • Thyroid problems and overuse of corticosteroids

Symptoms of Osteoporosis

  • Severe back pain due to fractured or disintegrated vertebra
  • Losing height over a period of time
  • Wrong posture or a stooped posture leads to this disorder
  • Frequent bone fractures even after minor falls

See a doctor immediately if:

  • Back ache is severe and you are unable to sit or stand
  • Menopause is causing problems with your bone mass
  • Hip fractures that are painful and need medical attention

10 Best Home Remedies For Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common disease and a public health threat that affects over 44 million people in the United States. The good news is that there are several easy home remedies for osteoporosis, and here are the 10 best:Home Remedies For Osteoporosis

10. Enough Calcium


  • Include a diet that is calcium and magnesium-rich.
  • Consume milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese, and green leafy vegetables.
  • Non-vegetarians can include fish like sardines and salmons.
  • Add nuts and greens to your daily food menu.
  • Eat enough lentils and bananas.

How does this work?

Minerals like calcium and magnesium play a vital part in strengthening the bones. However, enough Vitamin D is also simultaneously required to get the full benefit of calcium. It helps attain strong bones and saves you from disorders like osteoporosis.

This disorder can reduce the bone mass critically, making it incredibly fragile. While non-vegetarians can consume fish like sardines and salmons, pure vegetarians need to seek calcium supplementation through nuts, greens, lentils and bananas. A calcium and magnesium-rich diet makes one of the best home remedies for Osteoporosis.

The Remedy is not Good if:

  • There is no reason why this remedy should not be good. However, the remedy will work only over a period of time, and one cannot expect instant results.

9. Vitamin D (through natural sunlight)


  • Spend more time under direct sunlight every day.
  • Especially during the period between March and September.
  • Keep your forearms, hands and legs uncovered, if possible.
  • Depending on your skin color, decide the amount of time to be spent under the sun.

How does this work?

Vitamin D is essential for building strong bones in the body. The best free source of Vitamin D is sunlight. The human skin has the ability to manufacture large quantities of Vitamin D by simply being exposed to sunlight.

Vitamin D is required by the body in order to absorb calcium and phosphate found in the food we eat. Calcium and phosphate are essential for a healthy bone structure; however, without the aid of sunlight (Vitamin D) all the calcium consumed will certainly go waste. Hence Vitamin D through exposure to sunlight is a great natural treatment for Osteoporosis.

The Remedy is not Good if:

  • There is no reason why this remedy should not be good. However, too much exposure to the sun can result in sunburn that can affect your skin badly.


8. Dried Plums (Prunes)


  • Take 3 to 4 Prunes (dried plums).
  • Soak them in pure, organic honey.
  • Eat the Prunes on an empty stomach.
  • Continue the process for as long as required.

How does this work?

Prunes or dried plums are very good for improving the bone mass and strengthening the bones. You can easily prevent bone fractures by regularly consuming prunes. According to a study conducted by the Florida State University in 2011 consuming prunes regularly helps build strong bones.

Especially for women who have bone health issues due to menopause, prunes are the best bet, make no bones about it. Although all fruits and vegetables are good as far as nutrition is concerned, when it comes to bone strength there is no fruit to match the plum, especially dried plums, which are known as Prunes. Hence, Prunes make one of the best natural remedies for Osteoporosis.

The Remedy is not Good if:

There is no reason why this remedy should not be good.

7. Coconut Oil


  • Take 3 teaspoons of virgin coconut oil
  • Mix it in a glass of warm milk or water
  • Drink it half an hour before bedtime
  • Alternatively, apply the coconut oil locally and massage
  • Let it sit for a couple of hours
  • Wash off the coconut oil by taking a hot bath

How does this work?

Coconut oil is so powerful that if taken in sufficient quantities it can reverse Osteoporosis. If taken regularly it helps in preventing the onset of Osteoporosis by strengthening the bones and adding to the bone mass.

No wonder that coconut oil has been high on the list as a dietary staple in most of the households of South-east Asian and Pacific Island households. It is an excellent natural antioxidant and a great antimicrobial and antibacterial agent as well. Consuming coconut oil regularly also helps in absorbing other essential minerals. Hence, coconut oil is one of the best natural remedies for Osteoporosis.

The Remedy is not Good if:

There is no reason why this remedy should not be good.

6. Almond in Cow’s Milk


  • Take a handful of almonds and soak in water. Let it soak overnight.
  • Peel the almonds and grind in a mixer-blender. Mix the almond paste in a glass of warm cow’s milk. Add a pinch of saffron and cinnamon powder.
  • Drink the almond milk warm. Continue the process for a month or so.

How does this work?

Almond is rich in calcium, which is good for strengthening the bones. Almonds contain a good amount of flavonoids that help keep the free radicals in the body in control, which helps fight against the weakening of the bones that leads to Osteoporosis.

Moreover, almonds are also rich in magnesium, potassium and manganese. All these minerals are good for maintaining a strong bone structure and for warding off the onset of Osteoporosis. Consuming almond in cow’s milk is probably the best natural treatment for Osteoporosis.

The Remedy is not Good if:

There is no reason why this remedy should not be good.

5. Sesame Powder


  • Take a handful of sesame seeds (white). Roast it mildly in a pan.
  • Add some Jaggery powder and chew.
  • Alternatively, powder sesame seeds and mix in a glass of warm milk.
  • Drink the sesame milk once daily for a month.

How does this work?

Including sesame seeds in your daily diet is a very good way to keep Osteoporosis at bay according to some ancient Ayurvedic texts. Sesame seeds are a rich source of calcium, which is essential for keeping the bones strong and healthy.

Sesame seeds also contain loads of magnesium, copper, zinc and manganese as well as a host of vitamins like K and D, which are all great for increasing bone mass and warding off Osteoporosis. Sesame seeds are the best answer to the question “how to treat Osteoporosis”.

The Remedy is not Good if:

There is no reason why this remedy should not be good.

4. Estrogen-rich Foods


  • Add soya beans to your daily diet.
  • Consume more of chickpeas, lentils and beans.
  • Use soya oil for cooking.
  • Consume soya sauce along with your daily food intake

How does this work?

An optimum level of the hormone Estrogen is essential for healthy bones. During the menopause stage the estrogen levels in women keep fluctuating and cause the bones to weaken. This leads to bones becoming brittle and breaking very easily.

Consuming foods rich in estrogen helps maintain the balance and ensures that estrogen is secreted at optimum levels. The increased estrogen levels lead to better bone density and stronger bones. Estrogen-rich foods are one of the best home remedies for Osteoporosis.

The Remedy is not Good if:

There is no reason why this remedy should not be good.

best foods for osteoporosis

3. Omega-3 Fish Oil


  • Get a bottle of therapeutic Omega-3 Fish Oil
  • Take one to two capsules of Omega-3 Fish Oil daily
  • Continue the process for as long as required

How does this work?

Fish oil supplements are known to work on the bone mineral density and bring it to optimum levels. A study conducted by researchers sponsored by NASA indicates that Omega-3 fatty acids that are abundantly found in fish oil are good in preventing bone breakdown, which is an occurrence during outer space missions.

However, people on bone-thinning medication should abstain from consuming Omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish oil unless prescribed by a doctor. Omega-3-rich fish oil is a natural treatment for Osteoporosis.

The Remedy is not Good if:

There is no reason why this remedy should not be good. However, people on blood thinning drugs need to consult their physician before consuming Omega-3- rich fish oil.

2. Coriander Seeds


  • Boil two teaspoons of dried coriander seeds in a glass of water.
  • Allow it to steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink while the decoction is warm.
  • Repeat process for as long as required.
  • Also add coriander powder to your daily cooking.
  • Consume sauce made out of green coriander leaves.

How does this work?

Coriander is another spice that is widely used in cooking by most cultures. The spice is rich in minerals that are beneficial for the growth and maintenance of healthy bones. Coriander leaves and seeds are rich in calcium, manganese and potassium along with traces of iron and magnesium.

This liberal spread of important minerals is very beneficial for bone health and helps prevent bone mineral loss and helps keep the bones making up the spinal column healthy and strong. Coriander is one of the best natural home remedies for Osteoporosis.

The Remedy is not Good if:

There is no reason why this remedy should not be good.

1. Yoga Asanas


  • It is an established fact that practicing Yoga Asanas is good for health.
  • Try perfecting Vrikshasana or the one-legged tree pose.
  • Practice the Trikona Asana or the sideward bend.
  • Try to practice the Savasana or the corpse pose.
  • Attempt the Veerabhadra Asana or the warrior pose.

How does this work?

Practicing various Yoga Asanas daily is good for the mind and the body. For the body to be perfectly synchronized, it is important that the various Yoga Asanas are practiced perfectly. Try the Vrikshasana or the one-legged stand, which helps strengthen the bones.

Another excellent Yoga pose is the Trikona Asana (sideward bend forming a triangle) which helps stretch and tone the muscles and strengthens the bones.  Similarly the Veerabhadra Asana or the poised warrior pose works on the arms and legs, strengthening them. Finally, the Savasana or corpse pose helps a person to calm down and relax.

The Remedy is not Good if:

There is no reason why this remedy should not be good. However, Yoga Asanas should not be attempted without expert supervision or guidance from reliable tutorials.

Additional Tips

  • Include calcium-rich foods in your daily diet, and also foods that contain Vitamins K and D.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol, or at least limit the intake and keep it at the minimum.
  • Smoking also affects the bone mineral density; hence it is time to kick the habit once and for all. Keep away from colas and caffeine as they tend to increase calcium loss.
  • Go for regular health checks and keep an eye on the bone mineral density levels.


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