Sunburn can result in reddening of the skin, along with inflammation, and even blistering as well as peeling of skin in extreme cases. This is because of exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. The good news is that there are several natural remedies to get rid of sunburn. In fact, they are available right in our homes and are inexpensive.
Causes of Sunburn
- Over exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light.
- Two types of UV – Ultraviolet A (UVA) and Ultraviolet B (UVB).
- It is the body’s reaction to direct damage of DNA.
- Caused by UV light’s excitation of the DNA.
- Dark pigment Melanin present in the skin is triggered to form a protective
Symptoms of Sunburn
- Pinkness or redness of skin that develops in a few hours.
- Minor sunburns result in mild redness and tenderness of the skin.
- The sense of warmth while touching the skin.
- Pain combined with itching and tenderness.
- The possibility of small blisters that can break and ooze fluid.
- Severe sunburn results in an acute headache, chills and fever.
- Extreme fatigue if the sunburn is severe and left untreated.
5 Best Home Remedies For Sunburn Relief
Also See: Remedies for Tanned Skin
5. Lemon Juice & Cucumber Juice
- Take a fresh, ripe lemon and cut into two halves.
- Squeeze both halves and extract all the juice.
- Mix the lemon juice in 100ml of water
- Store the juice – water mixture in a glass bottle
- Take one fresh green cucumber and grate it.
- Squeeze the juice out of the grated cucumber.
- Store the cucumber juice in a glass bottle.
- Mix the lemon juice-water combo and cucumber juice in equal proportions.
- Take a ball of surgical cotton and dip in lemon juice-cucumber juice mixture.
- Apply the mixture on the face (avoid eyes) neck, hands and body.
- Allow it to sit for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Wash off with cool water after some time.
- Repeat process throughout the day.
- You may freeze the juice mixture and preserve as ice cubes.
How Does This Work?
Lemon juice is acidic and contains vitamin C which is a great antioxidant. It helps cure sunburn and remove dark spots caused by sunburn. Lemon juice is a great skin rejuvenator as well. Cucumber contains natural antioxidant and analgesic properties that work wonders on the skin. When mixed with acidic lemon juice it has a neutralizing effect that is beneficial for skin affected with sunburn and gives a soothing effect. Sunburn often results in peeling skin, and cucumber juice helps heal peeling skin amazingly fast.
The Remedy Is Not Good, If:
You are applying lemon juice without diluting it. It is acidic in nature and can cause a severe burning sensation on the skin, making the sunburn worse. However, cucumber juice may be used in its concentrated form as it is harmless and full of benefits, hence a great astringent for the skin.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar and Aloe Vera Gel
- Add 5 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water
- Cut a thick leaf of Aloe Vera
- Shave off the thorny spikes on either side of the leaf
- Peel the skin on the rounded side of the leaf
- Extract the colorless gel and store in a cool place
- Crush the Aloe Vera gel and mix with cider vinegar – water mix
- Soak paper towels in the mixture and spread on affected skin
- Leave until towels are dry
- Repeat process several times during the day
How Does This Work?
Aloe Vera is a natural herb that has great healing properties and is great as a natural treatment for sunburn. This amazing plant is used extensively as a medicine for treating cuts, wounds and itches and is very effective. It is very skin friendly and is used as an additive by most cosmetics manufacturers.
This wonder herb is also used as a natural shampoo and helps maintain a luxuriant growth of soft, fluffy hair. Aloe Vera gel is also used to treat burn injuries and is very effective when applied on skin afflicted with sunburn. It has a soothing effect on the skin and works on the blisters as well.
Apple cider vinegar is probably one of the best home remedies for sunburn relief as it helps soothe painful sunburns and enhances the healing process. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which helps control the inflammation caused by sunburn. It is also effective in controlling itchiness in the skin caused by sunburns. As Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature, it is best used mixed with Aloe Vera gel which helps neutralize the acidic effects.
The Remedy Is Not Good, If:
You are using apple cider vinegar without diluting it with water or mixing it with a neutralizing substance like Aloe Vera gel. Applying apple cider vinegar on skin abrasions can aggravate the condition. However, Aloe Vera gel is safe to use on skin and is not known to have any side effects.
3. Fresh Mint Leaves and Tea Bags
- Take about 300 ml of water and boil it in a pan.
- Get 5 green tea bags and remove the strings and tags.
- Take 3 cups of freshly cut mint leaves, chopped.
- Add the 5 green tea bags to the boiling water.
- Keep the pan covered with a lid for 5 minutes
- Add the freshly cut mint leaves to water containing tea bags.
- Keep the tea bags – mint leaves combo in pan for 5 minutes.
- Strain the decoction and allow it to cool for a few minutes.
- Use either surgical cotton balls or clean muslin cloth to soak in the decoction.
- Apply the soaked cotton or cloth on the affected portions of the skin.
- Repeat the process once or twice during the day.
How Does This Work?
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and has proved to be effective in treating sunburn. The tannic acid and theobromine present in green tea act as great pain relievers and are considered one of the best home remedies for sunburn relief. Apart from giving relief to the painful condition caused by sunburn, green tea helps heal the damaged skin when applied on the portions of the skin affected by sunburn.
Mint leaves act as a natural coolant and have a soothing effect on the skin. Mint leaf extracts have been used to cure sunburn injuries by many cultures across the world and are known for its antiseptic properties. Moreover, mint being a natural herb is free from side effects and does not act adversely on the skin.
The Remedy Is Not Good, If:
Use only surgical cotton or a clean piece of cloth that is free from dust or other impurities. Do not use the concoction before it cools down as it can only further aggravate the condition or make it worse. In case green tea is not available, black (regular) tea may be used as it also contains tannins that have curative properties.
2. Homemade Sunburn Cream
- Take one tablespoon of crushed Aloe Vera gel.
- 2 to 4 teaspoons of baking soda or cornstarch.
- 1 to 2 cups of chopped fresh mint leaves.
- 1 teaspoon of peppermint oil.
- Fresh, clean water (2 to 3 tablespoons).
- 1 tablespoon of witch hazel.
- Mix the Aloe Vera gel and witch hazel in a small bowl of water (200 ml).
- Set this mixture aside for 2 hours to infuse.
- After two hours, add 2 to 4 teaspoons of baking soda or cornstarch.
- Add the chopped mint leaves and stir.
- Check the consistency and add water or baking soda until desired consistency is achieved
- Store in a cool, dark place for 24 hours for the cream to set.
How Does This Work?
Whip up your homemade sunburn cream with the above ingredients and see how it works wonders on skin that is damaged by sunburn. This do-it-yourself-cream can prove to be one of the best homemade remedies for sunburn relief.
Take the fresh water in a small bowl and mix one tablespoon of crushed Aloe Vera gel and 1 tablespoon of witch hazel. If you don’t know where to get witch hazel try shopping on Amazon online. Allow the mixture to infuse for a couple of hours, and then add the chopped mint leaves. Check the consistency and add a bit of water if it is too viscous, and if too watery add a little more baking soda or cornstarch until you get the required consistency.
This do-it-yourself homemade sunburn cream has all the ingredients required to soothe and relieve pain and redness caused by sunburn. Apart from having antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, witch hazel is an anti-aging agent and an astringent used extensively in aromatherapy and is suitable for all types of skins. This cream helps get rid of superficial impurities that may have accumulated on the skin that was damaged by sunburns.
The Remedy Is Not Good, If:
This do-it-yourself homemade sunburn cream is one of the most effective remedies for sunburn relief that has no known toxic or side effects. It is safe to use on any skin type and does not cause any allergies.
1. Yogurt (Curd), Aloe Vera Gel, & Rice Powder
- Take one cup of fresh yogurt (also known as curd).
- 2 tablespoons of finely powdered raw rice.
- 2 tablespoons of crushed Aloe Vera gel
- A small bowl for mixing the two.
- Whip the fresh yogurt until it forms a thick paste.
- Add the rice powder and Aloe Vera gel and mix well to form a thick paste.
- Allow the mixture to set for a while.
- Apply the mixture gently on the damaged skin.
- Repeat the process a couple of times during the day.
How Does This Work?
Yogurt is naturally acidic and is one of the safest homemade remedies for sunburn relief. Yogurt is also effective in fading out the dark tan caused by sunburn. At times, if the sunburn is very severe, the skin looks black and has an unhealthy pallor. Rice powder, on the other hand, is very effective in removing the dead skin, which if left untreated can lead to severe infections.
Aloe Vera is a wonder herb that has some amazing medicinal properties, especially for treating tender skin. It helps in soothing the skin affected by sunburn and helps contain the swelling and redness caused by the sunburn. It has some incredible properties that help rejuvenate the skin and makes it look fresh and toned.
The Remedy Is Not Good, If:
- You are using yogurt that is not fresh. Stale yogurt can have microbes that can cause harm to the damaged skin.
- You are using impure rice powder. Make sure it is clean and free of additives or dust.
Never use soap water to wash skin that has suffered sunburn, nor should you take a bubble bath. Soap can aggravate the condition and cause severe irritation. If you feel that soaking in water may offer some relief, soak that affected portion in clean, cool water and dab off the moisture rather than toweling it. Rubbing aggravates damaged skin and can cause pain.
Another foolproof method of avoiding nasty sunburns is to beat the heat by staying indoors. Especially for people who have tender, sensitive skin that can react to the slightest increase in temperature. At any point in time, if the discomfort persists, or the skin condition worsens, see a physician who will guide you on the proper course of action. Self-medication is good only up to an extent.