How Did Grapefruit Get Its Name Actually?

You certainly might have tasted grapefruits. Even if you haven’t, at least you might have heard about it. So, how did grapefruit get its name? Have you ever tried wondering? No? Then just get to know about it through this article.

How Did Grapefruit Get Its Name ?

Without doubt, grapefruits are one of the healthiest foods on earth. It greatly helps you to lose weight. Grapefruits are two times the size of oranges and certainly much bigger than grapes but still, they are named after grapes.  If you were ever to walk through a grapefruit orchard, you would probably see the reason why. This heavy fruit hangs in the form of clusters just like grapes do. These clusters range from 3 to 18 fruits. Since they resemble them, they are named as grapefruits.

The Spaniards, who brought lemons and oranges, also brought grapefruit to West Indies and Florida. The grapefruit trees were once grown for their beauty in different gardens. It has dark green glossy leaves with scented blossoms. In olden times, very few people ate this fruit and people those days dint like its bitter taste. Whoever owned those grapefruit trees would have the fruits ripe, fall and finally rot there.

It was actually few visitors from North America, who created the demand for grapefruits. During late nineteenth century, grapefruits then began coming to Florida through railroad. People started liking this fruit and preferred having them whenever they returned home. The first shipments of grapefruits were sent to Philadelphia and New York between the years 1880 & 1885. This was the first time when the markets for grapefruits developed. Later at California, grapefruit orchards were set but it was on smaller scale when compared to that of Florida. At present, grapefruits are cultivated in Cuba, Jamaica, Arizona and Texas. The most fascinating fact about a grapefruit tree is that it is small, reaching height of only 7.5 meters but still gives out bigger fruits, almost twice the size of oranges. There are many grapefruit varieties but the one that is best known are called “Duncan”, “Walters” and “Marsh Seedless”. I hope you liked reading this article on how did grapefruit get its name. Feel free to drop your comments.
