
10 Important Signs To Tell If You Have High Blood Pressure

Around 70 million of the United States adult population have high blood pressure (BP). However, only half of these people are in control of the disorder as stated from a 2013 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to cardiologist Dr. Andrew Freeman of the National Jewish Health in Denver, “High blood pressure is a disease of the Western world, and if we can do our best to work on diet and exercise and stress relief, we could take a huge amount of this burden down.”

10 Quick Signs To Tell You If You Have High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure risk is relatively quite common even if you do not have a family history of the health condition since it can be lifestyle-related too. Problems of high BP and low BP are something that should not be taken for granted and should be given immediate and prompt treatment to control the disorder and not lead to severe complications. Here are ten quick signs to tell you that if have high blood pressure or not.

Read: How to bring down your high BP with simple remedies?

1. A Severe Headache

A headache is a common sign when something is wrong with your body, such as simple colds and flu. However, it can also be the one and only warning sign for a high blood pressure or hypertension. If there are constant and frequent headaches bugging you and making you feel ill most of the time, especially during normal conditions, it is best that you should visit your doctor and get your blood pressure level check.

2. Fatigue Or Lingering Tiredness

Since high BP increases the amount of work that your heart needs, it makes your heart grow bigger to handle the work and will demand more oxygen-rich blood. As a result, you feel weak, there will be lingering tiredness or fatigue, and you will not be able to perform physical activities or exercise. It may lead to heart failure if left untreated.

signs that you have high blood pressure

3. Decreased Alertness Or Confusion

These may be a symptom of a serious illness, especially for older adults and the elderly. Though the level of consciousness may decrease as part of the ageing process, and it would be normal for an elderly not to remember where he placed his car keys, you should still visit your doctor to check the underlying cause of your confusion problem since it may be related to high blood pressure and prompt treatment should be given.

4. Vision Problems

Untreated high blood pressure may cause heart and kidney problems, as well as eye sight issues. Hypertension can cause damage to your retina’s blood vessels. Since the retina is an important area at the back of your eye where the images you see around focus, it will make your vision blurry and lead to hypertensive retinopathy. It is important that you have your hypertension treated to prevent the damage from getting more serious.

5. Chest Pain

Chest pain is caused when the muscles of your heart do not get enough oxygen-rich blood that they require. Normally, your chest will feel like a squeezing pressure. Chest pain may also mean other health conditions such as problems in the heart, lungs, or nerves. That is why this sign should be taken seriously and needs the proper guidance of a skilled medical professional to determine what the underlying cause is all about to help you get the treatment you need.

6. Difficulty In Breathing

There is a thing referred to as pulmonary hypertension, which is described as “high blood pressure in the heart-to-lung system that delivers fresh oxygenated) blood to the heart while returning used (oxygen-depleted) blood back to the lungs.” An Early symptom of this condition includes difficulty and shortness of breath especially felt during routine activities. The shortness of breath may also be attributed to developing heart problems due to untreated hypertension since your heart could not pump the blood well.

7. Irregular Heartbeat

High blood pressure will increase your risk of heart attack, coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke and other serious problems. In cases of heart issues, irregular heartbeats known as arrhythmia may be felt. A hypertensive heart disease is known as the leading cause of death of people with high blood Thus, the severity of the problem is genuinely true and must be treated with care and promptness.

8. Blood In The Urine

High blood pressure affects your kidneys too and may increase the risk of you developing a kidney disease. During a clinic visit, your doctor may require you to undergo a urine test to check for the presence of blood or protein in the urine. Once the presence of any of these two is noted, it means that kidney disease has already developed and should be treated.

9. Pounding Neck Or Ears

This pounding on your neck and ears is often referred to as tinnitus. It is the annoying sensation where you can hear a sound that is not physically present. Hypertension and other factors that may increase your blood pressure like alcohol, caffeine, and stress may make tinnitus more evident and noticeable.

10. Nosebleed

A sudden and rapid increase in your blood pressure may cause a hypertensive crisis, an emergency medical situation that can lead to a nosebleed. Though hypertension is the quite common cause of patients with acute bleeding, the rate of undiagnosed hypertension found on follow-ups is not higher than what is expected from the rate of the general population. The presence of high arterial blood pressure when there was an actual episode of nasal bleeding cannot establish a causative relationship with a nose However, it can lead to an initial diagnosis of an already known arterial hypertension.

The list of signs listed above may not always be present. Some people with high blood pressure have no symptoms at all even if they have extremely elevated blood pressure levels already. Since stress is one of the main factors which can cause a difference between high BP and low BP, it is often advised to stay away from stressful issues and anxieties. Lowering your stress levels will also decrease your blood pressure risk big time. Also, having a healthier lifestyle is a good way to prevent, manage and control hypertension.

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