
Top 9 Myths About Diabetes You Should Never Believe

Has someone told you that consuming excess sugar causes diabetes? Or probably, Diabetics need a special diet? Well, these are not true. To be honest, there are many myths when it comes to food, illness and dieting. Hence, to distinguish the facts from fiction, here are nine myths about diabetes you truly need to know. But before that, we will start with a quick introduction.


There are two types of diabetes:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Diabetes insipidus

It describes the group of metabolic diseases, and the person affected will have high blood glucose or blood sugar level. It is due to the inadequate production of insulin, or there is another cause – the body cells do not respond to the hormone properly – and the third type – the ailment can be a combination of both.

Individuals with diabetes can frequently experience three things:

  • Polyuria (excessive urination)
  • Polydipsia (extremely thirsty), and
  • Polyphagia (extreme hunger)

The most common type patients suffer is none other than “Diabetes mellitus”, which can again be classified into three types:

1. Type 1 Diabetes

Here, the body lacks the ability to produce insulin. Therefore, this type is also given names such as insulin-dependent diabetes, early-onset diabetes and juvenile diabetes. This ailment is usually found in individuals before they reach the age 40. So, it is better to be careful in the teenage or early adulthood years.

2. Type 2 Diabetes

The body can produce insulin but not enough to carry out the day-to-day activities. Another cause could be that the body cells do not react to insulin. According to a recent research on diabetes patients, about 90% of all the cases in the world are type 2.

3. Gestational Diabetes

As the name suggests, this diabetes type affects females, especially during their pregnancy period. During this phase, some women can have very high glucose levels, and their body finds it difficult to adapt according to the situation.

Top 9 Myths and Facts About Diabetes

There have been some popular ailments from the ancient ages for diabetes, and even the new ones are making a mark. However, as human beings, we have to stop spreading some wrong myths and beliefs about diseases, as this can create an impact on many minds. Busted in this article are nine top myths about diabetes with explanations and valuable suggestions. We have taken a cue to write this article, as in recent times the minimum age of patients for this ailment has come down to two.

If diabetes is not treated at the correct time, it can become fatal. On the other hand, if diabetes advances to a serious stage, the individual can suffer from nonketotic hyperosmolar coma. If the diet is not restricted (if needed), and the individual does not follow a proper lifestyle regime, it can give rise to chronic kidney failure, loss of eyesight, non-healing of wounds, cardiovascular disease, stroke and chronic kidney failure.


Now let us see some of the famous myths propagated all over the world. Some of them are myths while some have little truth attached.

myths and facts about diabetes

Myth 1: If You Are Have Diabetes, The Disadvantages Are More
Fact: The real fact is opposite. In recent times, medical research has made many revelations about all types of painful diseases. However, individuals affected with diabetes have ample time in their hands to prevent or nullify the spread of this disease to the next stage.

A proper consultation with a doctor, consuming a healthy diet, and leading a stress-free lifestyle is the key to fight against diabetes.

Myth 2: This Disease Can Never Become Fatal
Fact: A look at the statistics will tell you that diabetes can prove fatal than breast cancer and combined HIV/AIDS.

However, hope remains because, with the most common form of disease Diabetes 2, individuals can go a long way. Treatment provided at the initial stages and precautions can prevent the disease from entering into the next stage.

If someone in the family is facing sleepless nights because of urination in the wee hours of the morning, or he or she experiences fatigue, blurry vision, and wounds take a longer time to heal, then it is better to advise them to opt for a diabetes test. A chance should never be taken nor lack of interest; prolonging the visit to the doctor may result in complications if the specified individual is above 45 years of age.

Myth 3: If You Are Overweight, You Will Get Diabetes
Fact: The most surprising factor is that obese people very rarely are affected with type 2 diabetes!

It is not mandatory that an obese individual will get diabetes, but there is a risk factor. The other factors can also include genetics, attitude, lifestyle, etc. It has been estimated that a mass index of more than 25 can pave the way for diabetes, and a mass index of more than 30 is a ‘grave’ number.  You can, however, prevent any ailment if you follow what is given in this article here:

Myth 4: As You Grow Old, You Tend To Get Infected
Fact: The above statement has some truth to some extent, especially for individuals, who suffer from ‘impressions’ above the age of 40. They have family commitments, a cushy job, no physical activity, and of course, genetic factors.

Diabetes can become fatal if there is no physical activity at all. However, if the individual is above forty, and he/she is facing problems of hypertension, obesity because of high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, etc., the risks are much higher. If a woman is affected by diabetes during pregnancy or she has given birth to a child who weighs more than 9 pounds, then she is at a high risk of getting diabetes.

Myth 5: Diabetic Patients Shouldn’t Participate In Extreme Exercises
Fact: So says the notion about diabetes. But it is far from the truth. A proper plan by the dietician and also the physician can make you like well balanced.

However, exercise done in a proper way is the best opportunity to control diabetes (additional benefit – weight loss), so say the experts for this ailment.

Myth 6: Diabetic Patients Need Insulin Syringes Every Day
Fact: The common notion among people is that all diabetic patients take insulin shots by syringes. However, only those who need injectable medications have to follow this process, and it is not everyone.

Since ancient times, there are natural medicines, which can control this nasty ailment (diabetes) without the use of needles or any other symptoms.

Myth 7: Facing Diabetes? You Cannot Eat Sweets
Fact: Too much is too bad – proverb. An individual, though affected by diabetes can relish sweets but in small portions or they can be taken as a special treat.

However, they have to be careful about the dosage. They can also pack in desserts a few times in a month but no, no, no – not every night.

Myth 8: Diabetics Need A Special Diet
Fact: Not entirely true. However, the diet needs to be restricted in some recipes.

Diabetic patients have to follow the same guidelines similar to everyone for healthy living. The diet should include foods, which are low in fat; possess a high amount of nutrients and calories.

Myth 9: You Need Insulin If You Are Affected With Diabetes
Fact: Well, this statement holds true in the case of type 1 diabetes but not with every type.

With proper exercise and diet, type 2 diabetes can be kept under control before an affected individual can take a shot at insulin.

Myth 10: People With Diabetes Will Go Blind And Lose Their Legs
Fact : People with regular check up and control will not lose their legs or an other body part.

Diabetic people who maintain proper health, eat healthy food and maintain an active lifestyle, keeping their blood-pressure and weight under control are not prone to any serious issues like blindness. Diabetes is the leading cause for blindness, but still people can prevent themselves from amputation and blindness through proper lifestyle and regular checkups.

Myth 11 : People With Diabetes Are Dangerous Drivers
Fact : People with proper diabetic care are not dangerous drivers even with Hypoglycemia .

Diabetic people who are diagnosed with hypoglycemia are not fit for driving. For those patients who have high risk of hypoglycemia condition also should not involve in driving. But it’s not true in general with respect to diabetic people.   Even this Hypoglycemia can be prevented in diabetic patients upon proper medical attention.

But the myth is that diabetes patients are dangerous drivers are still going around.


It is a little shocking to know that even children below two years are getting treatment for type 2 diabetes. We don’t say this. This information is from various survey reports. To stop the growing number of children from getting affected, all the members of the family and society should take a firm resolve to adopt good habits. Well, the statement can make a day’s timetable shorn of video games, TV time; more time spent in exercises; eliminating junk food, adding organic produce in the diet, and having food at the perfect time.

The key to demystify these popular myths about diabetes is to spread awareness regarding this ailment. For a healthy lifestyle, refrain from unworthy habits like smoking, alcohol, junk foods, and sleeping late at nights. On the positive side, you should have a regular exercise pattern, more healthy diet and positive frame of mind.


Leave a Reply
  1. Really usefull Information. The 9th myth and fact was correct. As a doctor ,this will be very usefull for every diabetic patients. You may share this myths in Social media. Worth share!

    • We have shared it in our social media platform Don Bosco, you can like our page in all the famous social media platforms to get regular updates.

  2. These Myths have been ruining my lifestyle a lot. Thank Goodness now am aware of it. Thank you team for being an eye opener.

    • Ya there are many people who are driven by the myth and are worrying about it rather than knowing the facts right. That is the reason we came up with this article Harriet Mojda

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