10 Best Home Remedies for Trichomoniasis (Sexually Transmitted Infection)

Trichomoniasis is a type of vaginal infection that is quite common. One of the most common among several trichomoniasis symptoms includes heavy vaginal discharge, often with a distinct odor. The disorder is often accompanied by itching and may cause pain during urination.

While the cause of Trichomoniasis is due to the imbalance between the good and bad bacteria found in the vagina, the exact reason for this imbalance is still not known. Trichomoniasis is not a serious disorder and is likely to disappear on its own. However, there are several home remedies for Trichomoniasis that help get relief immediately.

Causes & Symptoms

  • Causes: Trichomonas vaginalis, a tiny parasite which causes the infection. Any Imbalance between good and bad bacteria found in the vagina triggers it.
  • Symptoms: Irritation and soreness in the vagina, discomfort during intercourse. Changes in the vaginal discharge (quantity and consistency).

10 Best Home Remedies for Trichomoniasis

While Trichomoniasis is a disorder that causes a lot of discomforts and is irritating to put up with, it is not a serious life-threatening disorder. There are several easy home remedies for Trichomoniasis, here are the 10 best:

10. Bergamot Essential Oil

  • Get a bottle of therapeutic Bergamot Essential Oil. Mix this in your bath water. Soak in the bath, ensuring the affected portions are soaked properly.
  • Alternatively, add a few drops of this oil to any douche. Douche the affected parts with Bergamot soaked douche.
  • Repeat the process once or twice daily for a week.

Bergamot essential oil has excellent properties and is a natural deodorant. It is also a vulnerary and an excellent wound healer. Moreover, Bergamot oil is a great disinfectant, antiseptic and antispasmodic. The analgesic qualities of Bergamot help control the itching and pain caused by Trichomoniasis. Bergamot essential oil is one of the best home remedies for Trichomoniasis.

Unless Bergamot essential oil is diluted properly, it can cause severe skin irritation. It may cause blisters, scabs and redness and cause skin pigmentation changes as well. Consult a gynecologist before using this remedy.

9. Fresh Garlic

  • Take 3 to 4 cloves of fresh garlic. Wash, peel and crush the garlic.
  • Boil a glass of water and add the crushed garlic. Steep for 10 minutes.
  • Strain and add a teaspoon of pure honey.
  • Drink this concoction daily for a week or 10 days.

Garlic is a natural antiseptic agent that is safe to use and very effective. It acts as an anti-parasitic agent as well and helps destroy the bad bacteria found in the vagina causing an attack of Trichomoniasis. Garlic is a natural antimicrobial and antibacterial agent that fights against the vaginal infection effectively and helps get relief from the itching and hastens the healing process. Garlic is the best trichomoniasis cure at home.

Garlic is a herb that is used in the everyday cooking of most cultures of the world. It causes no adverse side effects and is safe to use. People with peptic ulcer need to be cautious as garlic can cause some irritation.

8. Colloidal Silver

  • Take a few drops of undiluted Colloidal Silver.
  • Wash the affected parts with warm water and dab dry. Prepare a douche and add a few drops of Colloidal Silver.
  • Douche the affected parts. Continue this process daily for a week or 10 days.

Colloidal Silver is an excellent antibacterial that can stimulate healing in the soft tissues of the body. It has been successfully used to treat thrush and can be very effective in treating Trichomoniasis. It is known to have powers to repair skin damage to an extent. It promotes cellular respiration and infuses new life into the damaged cells and helps hasten the healing process. Colloidal Silver is one of the best natural remedies for Trichomoniasis.

Colloidal Silver may cause some side effects like discoloration of the skin and produces melanin production leading to discoloration when exposed to the sun. Consult your physician before using this remedy.

7. Yogurt

  • Get some fresh yogurt
  • Consume a cup of yogurt daily
  • Additionally, douche some yogurt on the affected parts
  • Continue the process for a week or 10 days

Yogurt has the power to restore healthy bacteria in the human body. The lactobacillus found in yogurt is a great promoter of healthy bacteria. Moreover, applying yogurt as a douche in the affected parts helps in speeding the healing process and helps the good bacteria fight the bad bacteria effectively and destroy them. Yogurt is one of the best home remedies for Trichomoniasis.

Yogurt does not cause any known side effects. However, while applied topically on the vagina it could cause some discomfort. Ensure that fresh yogurt is used.

6. Echinacea Tea

  • Boil a bunch of fresh Echinacea leaves in a glass of water.
  • Steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink this tea hot.
  • Continue the process for a week or 10 days.

Echinacea is an amazing medicinal herb that has many excellent curative qualities. Apart from tea, it can also be consumed in tincture form, where the tincture is diluted in water and taken. Echinacea is an effective anti-inflammatory agent and a great antibacterial agent as well and it also has antimicrobial qualities that help fight the bacterial infection in the vagina. Echinacea is one of the best home remedies for Trichomoniasis.

While Echinacea does not cause any serious side effects it can cause allergic reactions for people with chronic conditions like asthma or people suffering from autoimmune diseases like Lupus.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in half a cup of water.
  • Use this mixture to douche the vaginal area.
  • Continue the process daily for a week to 10 days.

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent antiparasitic apart from being a very good anti-inflammatory agent. It helps in destroying the bacteria and flushing out the smelly and infectious discharges from the vagina and keeps it sterile. Using apple cider vinegar as a douche regularly helps fight the infection and restore the normal balance between the good and bad bacteria. Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for Trichomoniasis.

While apple cider vinegar does not cause any major side effects, diabetics on medication need to be cautious as apple cider vinegar can lower blood sugar levels.

4. Fenugreek Seeds

  • Soak a handful of Fenugreek Seeds in water overnight. Drink the residual water on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Mix 2 teaspoons of soaked Fenugreek seeds with yogurt and eat. You may also steep a teaspoon of Fenugreek in hot water.
  • Drink the decoction while it is hot.

Fenugreek seeds have the power to boost the immune system and give the strength to fight the infection in the body. Eating or drinking Fenugreek tea daily for a couple of weeks helps cure the infection caused in the vaginal area. Fenugreek is one of the best home remedies for Trichomoniasis.

Fenugreek seeds do not cause any adverse side effects and are quite safe to use.

3. Tea Tree Oil

  • Mix 2-3 teaspoons of Tea Tree Oil with a glass of warm water.
  • Apply the solution on the affected vaginal parts.
  • Rinse the vagina well with the potent mixture.
  • Repeat the process once or twice daily for a week or 10 days.

Tea Tree Oil is one of the best natural antibacterial agents that can help fight the infection and get relief from the itching and burning sensation caused by Trichomoniasis. It is also an effective antifungal agent that helps mask the awful smell emanating from the affected parts. Tea Tree Oil is one of the best home remedies for Trichomoniasis.

While Tea Tree Oil does not cause any major side effect, it may cause mild to severe irritation or burning sensation depending on the type of skin. Test a small dose before using the remedy.

2. Coconut Oil

  • Take 2-3 teaspoons of virgin coconut oil. Wash the affected parts and dab dry.
  • Take a ball of surgical cotton and dip in the oil. Apply as douche in the affected parts.
  • Let it sit for 2 to 3 hours, then wash with warm water.
  • Continue the process daily for a week.

Coconut oil has some amazing curative powers and helps fight the infection. Moreover, coconut oil has a soothing effect on the tender, affected portions and helps get relief from the itching and burning sensation. Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties as well as anti-parasitic qualities that help fight the infection effectively. Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for Trichomoniasis.

Coconut oil does not cause any adverse side effects and is safe to use. Ensure that the affected parts are cleaned thoroughly after each application.

1. Citrus Juice

  • Get any citrus fruits like oranges or lemons. Make fresh juice.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of pure honey. Drink the fresh citrus juice daily.
  • Continue the process for a couple of weeks.

Citrus fruits are loaded with Vitamin C and help build up a strong immune system that helps fight the bacteria causing the Trichomoniasis infection. Citric fruit juice helps in keeping the cervix area healthy and free of infection as it produces collagen that helps in maintaining the cervical walls in a healthy condition. Citrus fruits make one of the best home remedies for Trichomoniasis.

Citrus juice does not cause any major side effects and is quite safe to use. Diabetics should take care not to add too much sugar as it can increase blood sugar levels.

See a doctor immediately if:

  • There is any pain in the lower belly area.
  • Fever exceeding 101° F and does not subside with medication.
  • You are pregnant and get Trichomoniasis infection.

If you are unsure if you have this STD, order an at home STD test kit for Trichomoniasis online so that you can take action and seek treatment as soon as possible.
