Top 12 Super Foods For Strengthening Bones

In this hectic world, where there is a mad scramble to have breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Yes, your bones are the important structures of the body and in old age, you can suffer from various ailments related to the body.

Having a nutritious diet can assist you in developing strong bones from a very young age and it is mandatory that you have to be fit to save yourself from not only from simple ailments but also dangerous ones.

The amount of calcium should be in the required level (700 mg per day) for strengthening your bones. Vitamin D is also essential for helping the body to absorb calcium. The other nutrients are potassium, vitamins, beta-carotene and protein.



If you do not have strong bones, you can suffer from osteoporosis and rickets. These can cause bones to become brittle and suffer fractures.

Women, in the menopause period, can lose calcium as their ovaries stop producing estrogen. A healthy and balanced diet is necessary for these kinds of women.

List Of Super Foods For Strengthening Bones


Known as the best source of calcium, it also contains various essential components such as phosphorus, riboflavin, Vitamin D and magnesium. If you are an adult, the minimum consumption of milk should be at least two glasses. In case of children and teenagers, they can drink more volume of milk. A single glass of milk contains 300 milligrams of calcium.

Normally, a girl’s bones grows and lengthens till the age of 18, and for boys, the age is 20. Then the body sets to strengthening and hardening of bones.


As yogurt is a fermented product (dairy), it works as acid neutralizer and do not possess the leaching effects of calcium.

Kindly chose the fat-free plain yogurt type instead of settling of diverse ones as Greek yogurt. Your body can be intolerant to lactase, but you can have yogurt without any side effects due to conversion of lactose to galactose and glucose. The nutrients available in yogurt for strengthening of bones are vitamin B6, 12, calcium and protein.


To promote strong and healthy bones, you need to have this soy food as they contain calcium in large amounts and isoflavones (plant-based chemicals).

This food is for the lactose intolerant people who cannot take many of the diary products. Half-cup of this soy food can fulfill the daily recommended dose of calcium. It is recommended to buy fermented and organic soy products.

4.Sesame Seeds

The essential nutrients are magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B1, K and D. You can easily add them to the favorite salad or add them to fried vegetables. If you are intolerant of the taste of seeds, make use of sesame butter. The best addition to sesame seeds will be flax seeds – both can make a deadly contribution in provision of nutrients to the human body.

The other important constituent is zinc, which assist in development of bone mineral density in the human body. Low intake of zinc in diet can lead to osteoporosis. Copper is another constituent, supporting blood vessel and bone health.  A quarter cup of calcium provides 351 milligrams of calcium. Also B-complex vitamins such as niacin, pyridoxine and riboflavin are present in abundant quantities.

5. Collard Greens

Containing every essential nutrient that is necessary for bone health such as vitamin K, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, it also contains other components that give numerous benefits to the human body.

Collard green can be used for anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-tumor treatments and they are excellent sources of fiber such as Vitamins C, A. They also contain fewer quantities of fat and sodium.

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6. Spinach

Another leafy green that has high calcium content. Other components include iron, fiber, vitamins and magnesium.

The other benefits spinach gives to the human body other than strengthening of bones are – it assists in reducing inflammation, has antioxidants to assist the body fight against radicals.

7. White Beans

Coming to legumes, white beans not only contains calcium to harden bones but is also a valuable resource of protein, fiber, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

8. Salmon

Salmon – the prominent fish contains bone-boosting nutrients such as protein, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and calcium. Kindly note that omega-3 fatty acids assist in absorption of the vital nutrient responsible for strengthening bones, calcium.

The inclusion of salmon fish as a regular part of the diet assists in increasing the bone density.

9. Liver

You would have relished recipes made in liver either by your mother or grandmother. Some of the times, you would have been given liver soup when you have recovered from illness or suffering from fatigue. Do you know that this particular body organ has many benefits for bones that include teeth?

The liver contains Vitamin A, D and many of the nutrients which are essential for maintaining a healthy body. Among the few benefits of Vitamin A, gum diseases are prevented while Vitamin D assists the body in absorbing more calcium.

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However, remember that it is safe to eat meat of any type from animals fed on fresh and green pastures. It also contains minerals; trace elements such as zinc, chromium, selenium, phosphorus and essential fatty acids (DHA {Docosahexaenoic acid}, AA {Arachidonic acid} and EPA {Eicosapentaenoic acid}).

One of the most important components in our body is copper, that is a vital component for many body enzymes. These enzymes are needed to synthesize collagen, metabolize iron and produce energy as well keep nerves healthy and the result healthy body and strong bones.

10. Sardines

Sardines are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, and it can prevent heart disease, arthritis and even cancer. The other medicinal and beneficial components of sardines are phosphorus, calcium, Vitamin D (very essential for strong bones). One of the major benefits is that Vitamin B12 present in Sardines assists in bringing down homocysteine, which contributes to osteoporosis.

You can also include nuts and seeds in the diet to get strong bones and promotion of good health.

11. Walnuts

The EFA omega 3 in walnuts assists in development of bone health. This particular component decreases the excretion of calcium in the urine, enhances the deposition of calcium in bones and also strengthens the body’s vital parts (bones) by promoting synthesis of collagen.

The essential minerals are manganese, boron and copper. Boron is needed for metabolism of bones. Copper is essential for production of tissue proteins known as elastin and collagen. They play a vital role in the maintenance of skin, bone, joints and blood vessels.

12. Sesame Seeds

IF you are a food enthusiast, you would easily find out just by the aroma of a recipe whether sesame has been added or not? A tablespoon of these seeds can provide close to 90 milligrams of calcium that is necessary for our bones. They also contain minerals and nutrients such as fiber, manganese, copper and iron.

These seeds contain abundance of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). The other acids that it contains are palmitic and stearic acid (saturated fats); oleic acid and palmitoleic acid (MUFA); Vitamin E (antioxidant and vitamin).

More Tips To Build Strong Bones

  • Similar to other ailments, family history also plays a vital role in bone health. If you have had an ancestor who was suffering from osteoporosis, you can also get affected with the disease.
  • Fifteen minutes of exposure in the sun makes the body produce Vitamin D. Senior citizens can lose bone mass during winter due to lack of exposure to the sun.
  • Regular exercise is essential to keep the body healthy. Any exercise as per your age is benefitting to health. You can enroll in swimming classes or a martial arts class such as Aiki Jujitsu or kickboxing if you are a teenager. If you are in the mid-30s weight training will be the best option; for senior citizens brisk walk for thirty minutes can work wonders.
  • Consumption of less salt can assist in development of strong bones. The heavier your salt intake, the more calcium is lost in urine. So include only the required amount of salt in the food to have strong bones.
  • Coffee has certain health benefits, but not for the bones. Consuming too much of coffee can make the body absorb less calcium. Similar is the case with smoking.