10 Simple Yoga Poses To Burn That Stubborn Belly Fat

Everyone wants a flat tummy, right? Admit it or not, many of us want to achieve that model-flat tummy to make us look sexier and more attractive to the opposite sex. Perhaps one of the easiest ways to obtain a flat tummy is to practice several yoga poses. If you are new to yoga, there are simple yoga poses that burn belly fat effortlessly.

Also See: 10 Yoga Poses To Burn Overall Body Fat

10 Simple Yoga Poses That Burn Belly Fat

Once you have a flat tummy and some abs to boast off, you will feel more confident about yourself and thus it will improve how comfortable you can be with your body. You will be able to show off that beach body in a skimpy bikini or swimming trunks.

1. Tree Pose

This is one of the simple yoga poses for belly fat. It helps you to stay grounded on one leg making sure that your abdominal muscles will work overtime.

  • Stand up straight and give your weight on your left leg. Bring your right knee up to your chest and grab your ankle. Press down the bottom of your right foot on the left thigh.
  • When you feel wobbly, you can keep your hand on your ankle, however, if you find your balance easily, you can press your palms together in front of your chest.
  • Brace your abdominal muscles tight to your spine and breathe Look for a focal point where you can point your gaze and keep the pose for 10 long and deep breaths. Repeat the process on the other leg.

2. Warrior Lunge Twist

This simple yoga pose will work your abdominal muscles and fully engage your obliques too.

  • Place your hands together on your chest. Lunge forward on your left leg and bend your knee in 90 degrees position while keeping your right leg straight.
  • Brace your abdominal muscles tight to your spine while rotating your upper body to the left side. Make sure that you keep your spine long while you lean over your left leg.
  • Press right elbow towards the outside of your left leg. Turn your head and position it in a way that it looks up toward the ceiling above your left shoulder.
  • Keep the pose for 10 long and deep breaths. Untwist your body and return to standing position. Repeat the procedure on the other side.

3. Chair Pose

This position will strengthen the muscles on your lower back as well as exercise your spine, hips and chest muscles.

  • Stand straight and place your hands in a praying position in front of you. Bend your knee making sure that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Raise your hands above the head and bend your torso a little forward. Breathe. Keep the position as long as you can.
  • You may also sink deeper into the position if it is still possible for you to do so and as long as you keep your breathing normal.
  • Straighten your knees and put your hands down to your chest to return to normal position.

4. Boat Pose

Boat pose is one of the perfect and simple yoga asanas for belly fat reduction. It tones your abs, legs, arms, and strengthens your back muscles too.

  • Lie down flat on the floor or your yoga mat. Keep your feet and arms together beside your body. Breathe in.
  • Lift your chest off the floor while exhaling. Simultaneously, lift the feet off the ground to achieve a 10-degree Hold your arms straight and keep the fingers outstretched towards the toes.
  • Keep your eyes, fingers and toes in one line. Hold this pose for 5 to 10 breaths as you will feel some strain on your belly muscles. Slowly exhale and return to your starting position to get out of this position.

5. Bridge Pose

This is one of the best and simple yoga poses that burn belly fat.  Besides making your tummy flatter, it also helps improve digestion, controls blood pressure, relaxes your mind, etc.

  • Lie flat on the floor or on your yoga mat and keep feet flat on the floor. Exhale and push yourself off the floor with your feet.
  • Raise your body upwards while keeping your neck and head flat in the yoga mat. The rest of your body are up in the air. Use your hands to push down for additional support if need be. Make sure that you do not overexert yourself while doing the pose.

6. Warrior II Pose

This is a major balance challenge, which will engage your core the entire time.

  • Stand up straight and give your weight on the right foot. Hold your left shin to your chest and extend it straight back to making it parallel to the ground.
  • Flex the left foot and point your toes down. If you need to stabilize yourself, you can bring your fingertips to the ground for the moment.
  • Once stable, reach both arms out in front of your body making a straight line from your fingertips all the way to your back and your left heel.
  • Keep the straight position for three long and deep breathes and slowly return to your standing position. Do the same on the other side.

7. Camel Hinge

This pose will help engage your back, thighs, and abs.

  • Kneel on the floor while keeping your knees hip-width apart and toes tucked under. Extend arms in front of your chest keeping it straight and palm faced down.
  • Lift chest and press your pelvis forward while you are hinging backward and slightly arching your lower back.
  • Pause for a while and focus your attention on opening your chest while keeping ribcage down and belly button drawn to your spine. Return slowly to your starting position. Repeat for 10

8. Bridge With Leg Sweep

This will stabilize your abdominals and sculpt your butt and hamstrings.

  • Lie flat on the floor or on your yoga mat and keep feet flat on the floor. Place arms on both sides with palms facing down.
  • Brace abs in tight and press through your heels to bring your hips up. Make sure that your hips are properly lifted and squared.
  • Extend left leg up to the ceiling while flexing the foot. Sweep left leg to the right while passing in the middle of your body. Sweep back to the left and slightly passing over your left hip.
  • Repeat 10 times with the left leg before switching to the other leg and repeating for another 10

9. Lotus Hip Lift

The static contraction on your core provides a great way for a flatter tummy.

  • Sit with your legs crossed. Pressed both palms on the floor outside your hips with fingertips facing forward. Brace your abdominal muscles and press down with your arms and shoulders.
  • Lift your hips a few inches from the floor and hold the position for 3 Lower yourself to the floor and repeat.
  • If you cannot lift your hips from the floor, you can simply press down your arms and shoulders and lift as you can until you have become stronger.

10. Stacked Side Plank

Your abdominal muscles will be used to stabilize your entire body as you balance on your arm and leg.

  • Lie on the right side while keeping your knees straight. Put your right hand under the right shoulder.
  • Lift hips from the floor until your body forms a straight line from your shoulder down to your ankles.
  • Flex feet and extend your left arm up to the roof. Breathe deeply and hold the position for about 60 seconds. Lower yourself and repeat on the other side.