10 Best Home Remedies For Freckles Removal

The tiny spots, which is also known as freckles can appear on your face due to overexposure of sun. It can also be hereditary to an extent and manifests itself when there is an increase in the dark pigment known as melanin in the skin. However, the home remedies for freckles listed here are effective.

Appearing as red, brown or dark brown spots, freckles are often an embarrassment as the mar the beauty of a face. Hormonal imbalance can also cause freckles to appear, and although there are expensive chemical treatments (with side effects) a holistic approach with natural remedies is preferable.

Causes & Symptoms

  • Causes: In most cases it is hereditary, can also occur due to overexposure to the sun.
  • Symptoms: Dark brown spots on the skin, which are red or brown.

10 Best Home Remedies For Freckles Removal

The appearance of freckles on your face or other parts of your body need not alarm you as they are not life threatening or permanent. Freckles can make you terribly self-conscious; hence try any one of these 10 best home remedies to get quick relief:

10. Amaranthus Tricolor + Black Cumin

Herb: Amaranthus Tricolor
  • Crush a bunch of fresh Amaranthus Tricolor leaves and extract the juice.
  • Take a handful of black cumin powder. Mix it with the juice. Drink this mixture twice daily for a couple of weeks.

Amaranthus Tricolor has anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural diuretic and febrifuge. It has high medicinal value and is anti-toxic. Black cumin contains myristic acid, palmitic acid, and palmtoleic acid. It is also rich in proteins and Vitamins B1, B2 and B3 apart from folic acid, iron, copper and calcium. The mixture of Amaranthus Tricolor and black cumin makes one of the best home remedies for freckles.

While Amaranthus tricolor is not known to have any side effects, it is not recommended for pregnant women and lactating mothers. Black cumin also is quite harmless with hardly any side effects. It can be consumed moderately by pregnant women and lactating mothers as large quantities prevent the uterus from contracting back to its normal position.

9. Plectranthus Amboinicus (Coleus amboinicus)

  • Crush a bunch of fresh Plectranthus amboinicus leaves to extract the juice.
  • Wash the freckled area and dab dry. Apply the Plectranthus amboinicus juice.
  • Let it sit for a couple of hours. Repeat the process two to three times daily for a week.

Plectranthus amboinicus, also known as Coleus amboinicus, Mexican mint, Mexican thyme or Oregano brujo has great medicinal value. It contains a compound known as forskolin from which the drug rolipram is derived to treat heart disease. Moreover, Plectranthus amboinicus is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. The thymol and carvacrol content in this herb is effective in curing freckles. Plectranthus amboinicus is a natural home remedy for freckles on face.

Plectranthus amboinicus is free of side effects. However, hypertension patients need to be cautious as if this leaf is consumed internally it can cause flushing and low blood pressure resulting in dizziness.

8. Neem Leaf Poultice

  • Soak a bunch of fresh Neem leaves and crush to make a paste.
  • Add a teaspoon of pure Turmeric powder.
  • Mix the paste and apply on the freckled areas. Let it sit for 2 to 3 hours.
  • Wash with warm water and repeat process twice daily.

Neem (Azadirachta indica) has been used extensively for treating various skin afflictions successfully. Neem leaves are antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory in nature. The nimbin and nimbinene acetylnimbinase content along with nimbolide and quercentin help cure the freckles and attain smooth skin. Turmeric is a known antiseptic that hastens the healing process. Neem and Turmeric Poultice is one of the best home remedies for freckles removal.

Neem has no known side effects and the same goes for Turmeric as well. Neem has been used successfully for treating chicken pox as it gives immediate relief from the severe itching caused by the hives.

7. Cassia Fistula Leaves (amaltas) + Milk

  • Wash and grind a bunch of fresh Cassia Fistula Leaves to a fine paste.
  • Sprinkle some milk and mix with the paste. Apply the paste on the freckled areas.
  • Let it sit for a couple of hours. Repeat the process twice daily for a week.

Cassia Fistula (amaltus) also known as the Indian Laburnum is similar to the European Laburnum. The leaves of this tree have been recommended as medicine for curing skin disorders and have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. The leaves are rich in tannin and phlobaphanes as well as oxy-anthraquinone. Cassia Fistula is an excellent home remedy for freckles removal.

While topical application of Cassia Fistula leaves has no known side effects, consumption of these leaves can have a purgative effect and loosen the bowels.

6. Mahua Leaves (Madhuca Indica)

  • Wash and crush a bunch of fresh Mahua leaves to make a fine paste.
  • Sprinkle some water and apply the paste on the freckled area. Let it sit for a couple of hours
  • Repeat the process twice daily for a week or so.

The Mahua tree also known as the Butter tree or Honey tree belongs to the genus Sapotaceae. The leaves of this tree are astringent in nature and have great anti-inflammatory properties. The flowers of this tree have a stimulating effect, and have demulcent and laxative properties as well. The leaves have an emollient effect on the skin and are effective in treating severe freckle formation. Mahua leaves are the best homemade treatment for freckles.

The Mahua tree leaves do not have any known side effects and are safe to use on children and adults alike.

5. Indian Solanum Fruit + Coconut Oil

  • Wash, boil and crush a couple of Indian Solanum fruits to a paste.
  • Mix 2-3 teaspoons of coconut oil to the paste.
  • Apply on the freckles and let it sit for a couple of hours.
  • Repeat the process twice daily for a week or 10 days.

Indian Solanum (Solanum Xanthocarpum) which is also known as yellow berried night shade in English has amazing antibacterial properties that help cure the freckles infection quickly. The fruit contains carpersteral, glucoside-alkaloids and solanocarpine. The fruit also contains solamine-S, and during hydrolysis it yields solanidine-S. These compounds help cure freckles within a very short period, on repeated application. Indian Solanum is an excellent homemade treatment for freckles.

While the fruit Indian Solanum does not have any adverse side effects when used topically, the seeds contained in the fruit can be toxic if consumed by children. Please keep the fruit away from children.

4. Solanum Nigrum leaves (Night Shade)

  • Crush a bunch of fresh Solanum Nigrum leaves to extract the juice.
  • Apply the juice on the freckled areas. Let it sit for a couple of hours.
  • Repeat the process two to three times daily for a week or so.

Solanum Nigrum, Night Shade in English is a medicinal herb that is used in the cooking of most Indian households. It has a soothing effect on the stomach and helps cure ulcers, thanks to its antiseptic quality. When the juice of the leaves of Solanum Nigrum is applied on the freckled areas the antimicrobial quality and its anti-inflammatory quality help cure the condition. Solanum Nigrum is one of the best home remedies for freckles.

Solanum Nigrum does not have any adverse side effects when applied topically. However, when consumed in excess internally it can cause nausea or vomiting sensation and can have a toxic effect.

3. Touch Me Not Plant (Mimosa Pudica)

  • Wash and grind a bunch of fresh leaves of the Mimosa Pudicato a paste.
  • Apply the paste on the freckled areas. Let it sit for a couple of hours.
  • Repeat the process two to three times daily for a week.

The Sensitive Plant known as Laajvati in Hindi belongs to the genus Mimosaceae. The plant is also known as touch-me-not, live-and-die and humble plant has antibacterial and anti-venom qualities. It is also an effective anticonvulsant and antidepressant. It contains alkaloids, amino acid known as mimosine, flavonoids, C-glycosides, sterols, terpenoids and tannins that hasten the healing process. Sensitive Plant is one of the best natural home remedies for freckles.

Sensitive Plant leaves do not have any known adverse effects. However, people who are allergic or hypersensitive to Mimosa should refrain from using it.

2. Thespesia Populnea + Coconut Oil

  • Wash and dry a bunch of fresh Thepesia Populnea leaves in the sun for 2 days.
  • Powder the leaves and mix 2 teaspoons of it with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • Apply the paste on the freckles. Allow it to sit for two to three hours.
  • Repeat the process twice daily for a week.

Thespesia Populnea, also known as the Portia tree, Indian Tulip tree, or Aden Apple tree belongs to the Malvaceae family and the genus Thespesia. It has been used extensively for treating severe burns and can restore the skin. It has an analgesic and anthelmintic effect and is also an effective antidote. Thepesia Populnea and coconut oil make one of the most effective home remedies for freckles.

Thespesia Populnea has no adverse effects when used as a topical application. However, if consumed internally it can cause mouth ulcers, hair loss, and perspiration as well as loss of weight, anxiety, and Jaundice. Pregnant women and lactating mothers should not be given Thespesia Populnea.

1. Phyllanthus Niruri leaves + Coriander leaves + Milk

  • Take a bunch of fresh Phyllanthus Niruri leaves and a bunch of fresh Coriander leaves.
  • Crush both to make a paste. Sprinkle some milk on the paste. Apply the paste on the freckles. Let it sit for half an hour.
  • Wash with warm water and dab dry. Repeat the process twice daily for a week

Phyllanthus Niruri (Chanca Piedra) belongs to the Phyllanthaceae family of the genus Phyllanthus. It has been used as an additive in several medicinal formulas and is a great remedy for curing kidney stones, ailments of the gall bladder, as well as hepatitis. It is a very good anti-inflammatory agent as well. Coriander has great antibacterial powers and is an anti-inflammatory agent as well. Phyllanthus Niruri and Coriander leaves together make an excellent home remedy for freckles.

While Phyllanthus Niruri does not have any adverse effects when applied topically, it is not advisable for pregnant women and lactating mothers to take it orally as it can lead to birth defects.

See a doctor immediately, if:

  • The freckles do not fade away with remedies.
  • They are in a bad condition.