5 Scientifically Approved Green Herbs That Can Help You Live Longer!

We have a physical body to perform our daily actions and a mind to keep us happy. In ancient medicinal texts all over the world, the practice of using natural resources for ailments has brought to light the importance and miraculous benefits of natural plants, roots, shoot and fruits to the world. Such practices still prevail and are in all hail by the alternative medicine practitioners, and herbalists.

However, in this 21st century of technological advancement, everybody are in this mouse and cat race chasing after limitless wealth, he/she forget about their health and their body requirements. In this article on 5 Scientifically Approved Green Herbs That Can Help You Live Longer and healthy!

5 Green Herbs That Can Help You Live Longer

1. The Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Tulsi is known as the ‘Queen of Herbs’. Simply because for a couple of really wonderful reasons. Tulsi plant leaves are so versatile that it may cure almost all ailments of a simple cold to even preventing cancers.  Research has indicated the presence of ‘adaptogens’ in Tulsi; the leaves can be used to treat stress and to promote health throughout the body.

Adaptogens can be best defined as a nontoxic substance (usually a plant extract) for enhancing the immunity of the body for preventing the harmful effects of stress. They are majorly used for promoting or restoring physiological functioning of the human body.

Nutrition Facts About The Holy Basil

The Tulsi is an aromatic shrub from the Basil family Lamiaceae. They are thought to be originated from central northern India and have grown native throughout the eastern world tropics.  ¼ cup of Tulsi contains no cholesterol but contains several important ingredients to the body such as sodium, vitamin A, K, C, carbohydrates, manganese, folate, calcium, magnesium and potassium.


  • Tulsi is a wonderful herb for detoxification as it acts as a natural body cleanser.
  • Stress causes elevated levels of cortisol (also known as stress hormone) which may be extremely dangerous.
  • To make a rejuvenating tea out of Tulsi, you can use its leaves as well as its flowers and boil them together. You can also mix with other spices such as ginger.

2. Rhodiola Rosea ( Western Roseroot, Golden Root)

Rhodiola Rosea has many common names including western roseroot, golden root, Aaron’s rod, Arctic root etc. It is a remarkable herb that has centuries of medicinal history. It has been found to strengthen the nervous system, enhance memory and improve energy levels. Since it is an adaptogen, it will increase the immunity of the body and normalize bodily functions.

Memory Booster And Anti-Depressant

  • This herb exerts a beneficial effect on the adrenal glands (one of the endocrine organs) and protects the person against all types of stress-related disorders.
  • Rhodiola Rosea had proved to be a memory booster when scientists used proofreading tests. The testing showed that this wonder herb enhanced memorization and concentration capability in people over prolonged periods.
  • People taking regular doses of Rhodiola Rosea reported statistically lower mental fatigue, improved sleep patterns, greater mood stability and concentration to study.
  • This herb has a wonderful property in which it counteracts the effects of stress by interacting with hormones such as cortisol, serotonin and neurotransmitters like dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine.

3. Meshashringi (Gymnema Sylvestre)

This herb is a native of the tropical forests of central and southern India and Sri Lanka. It is also called as ‘cowplant.’ Meshashringi has always been thought of as medicine in various parts of Asia since ancient times. It is reported that they contain large amounts of chemicals including triterpenoids, which have pharmacological properties.

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  • Meshashringi’s magic lies in its leaves. The key component in the leaves is called gymnemic acid, which decreases effects of sucrose when it is chewed. These leaves are also used to reduce craving for sweet foods.
  • It helps regulate blood sugar levels by stopping the process of absorption of sugar in the intestines and stimulating proper insulin release from the pancreas.
  • Also, it regenerates or creates new pancreatic beta cells that are extremely vital. Gymnemic acid is also insulin-tropic, which means that it stimulates the production and activity of insulin.
  • Since it is a sugar cravings buster, GA temporarily takes away the taste for sweet as well assists in neutralizing the excessive sugar present in the body in diabetes mellitus. 
  • The evidence on the effectiveness of Gymnenic acid is still very limited and requires much research, it is possible in the future, humankind can get to benefit more from this herb.

4.Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry)

Ashwagandha, (scientific name: Withania somnifera) is also known as winter cherry. It is a root of a shrub that is cultivated in India and North America.  It has been used for thousands of years as a natural tonic for longevity and vitality.

Ashwagandha has been traditionally used for calming the mind, nervous exhaustion and arthritis, relieving weakness and boosting sexual energy. People, who perform much physical work like laborers and fitness enthusiasts benefit a lot from this herb as it helps their bodies to adapt to physical stress. Women too use this herb to strengthen their reproductive system.

Potent Antioxidant Effect

Research studies have found out that some chemical compounds in this herb are super powerful antioxidants. Results borne out of testings done on rat brains showed an increased level of activity in three natural antioxidants;  catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. It, also is an anti-ageing component as well since the antioxidant effects may help, in healthy individuals.

  • Ashwagandha gives the body ample amounts of vital energy throughout the day as well as promoting sound, restful sleep at night.
  • This herb does a 3-in-1 effect on the body. It invigorates, relieves stress and boosts the individual’s psychological abilities.
  • It can be used in soups to provide wellness to the whole body. Kindly note, it is also available in powder form and capsule forms.

5. Neem (Indian Lilac)

There is an interesting title given to this herb. It is called the ‘wonder leaf’.

Neem leaf has over 140 biologically active compounds that are still being researched upon all over the globe.

Neem As A Powerful Purifier And One Tree Pharmacy

  • Neem is traditionally used as a skin purifier and is often used to control blood sugar levels.
  • Neem helps in the human reproductive health issues as well. It is stated that neem is a fairly powerful birth control agent. It significantly reduces fertility in both women and men without affecting sexual performance or libido.
  • It is interesting to know that neem also functions as a spermicide. As such, neem could prevent sexually transmitted infections when used as a vaginal suppository. This is also the reason, alternative medical practitioners advise pregnant women against consumption of neem. This applies to women who are planning to start a family with their spouses.
  • It can also be used for treating excessive vaginal discharge.
  • It helps to remove toxins from the blood, lymph and liver supporting healthy circulatory systems. Neem helps to maintain healthy glowing complexion of the skin.

There is little scientific research being done on neem to support the various health benefits of neem despite the fact that various medicinal uses currently reported are quite convincing. As a word of caution, it is recommended that neem should be used with the guidance of a  competent medical professional.

6. Sage

Sage is an age old herb and it’s been called with many names including Common sage, Garden Sage and Salvia officinalis. It belongs to the mint family alongside rosemary, basil and thyme. Sage’s being used since time in traditional medicine for healing, protections, stress-relief and positivity. Researches in recent time shows evidence that sage can improve brain function and stimulates memory function especially in those who have mild Alzheimer’s disease.

The strong herbal aroma of sage is to be used in little amounts and even so it’s got its fair share of benefits to give.

Benefits of Sage

Supports Mental Health, Improves Brain Health & Memory Function

The Sage and its aroma stimulate a feeling of calmness and concentration by relieving the mental stress, tension and headache. The various compounds in sage acts as antioxidants which help stimulate brain’s defense system against memory loss. Sage appears to hinder the breakdown of a chemical messenger called ACH (acetylcholine) that has an impact over memory loss.

High in Nutrients

Sage has its share of essential vitamins and minerals needed for our body like:

A quantity of 0.7gms of a ground sage has

  • 1gm of Protein
  • 4gms of Carbohydrates
  • 1gm of Fat
  • 2gms of Calories
  • 1% of Calcium (of the RDI Value)
  • 1% of Vit B6 (of the RDI value)
  • 1% of Iron (of the RDI Value)
  • 1% of Manganese (of the RDI Value)
  • 8-10% of Vit K (based on reference Daily Intake)

Sage also has other essential benefits like

Antioxidants & Polyphenols

Sage has over 155-160 distinct polyphenols which are active concentrated plant-based chemical compounds that helps our body system. Sage has beneficial acid components like Chlorogenic acid, rosmarinic acid, ellagic acid and the rutin which offers good immune boost, reduces the cancer risk and improves brain function.

May reduce the Blood Sugar Levels& Cholesterol

Traditional medicine uses the sage leaves for the treatment of diabetes and moreover, the polyphenols helps reduce the bad LDL Cholesterol build-up in our body.

Every plant has in its physical structure, some medicinal properties. It is sad, even after thousands of years of mankind living in this Mother Earth; thousands of inventions and discoveries; every medical aspect of herbs, vegetables and fruits have not yet been found. It is, in the best interest of human health and every living life on the planet, a foremost duty to save forests from being cut and the valuable herbs preserved for the future generation.
