How Live 100 Years and Still Look Younger And Stronger?

All of us age one day. It’s inevitable. We don’t want sloppy backs and droopy eyes, do we? and how to live 100 years and still look younger and stronger? As we climb the ladder of years, our body changes and we have to supply nutrients so that the body still functions to the best of its ability. There are persons above sixty who can equal a youth’s quickness and energy. It depends on how they think, act and worship their body for a healthy living.

When you become old, watching what you eat becomes a survival skill. With slowing body functions and sensitive stomachs, literally anything can go wrong. The benefits of eating right for people over the age of 50 are faster recuperation period (so important!), higher energy levels, and improved chronic disease management. Make ‘you are what you eat’ your motto.

Essential to Read: 100 Most Common Diseases And Their Home Remedies

What Happens To The Human Body When Old?

Food will be processed gradually in the body. This will affect your diet preferences and appetite. Here are some of the changes that will happen in your body:

  • Metabolism Slows Down without any exercise
  • Senior citizens produce lesser body fluids to digest the food taken in. These changes have the tendency to make your body difficult to absorb essential nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin B12.
  • Some elderly people feel depressed and lonely. They will eventually lose the interest to eat. As such, they’ll lose weight. On the other hand, emotional triggers can cause binge eating and cause the gain of unwanted weight.

How To Live 100 Years By Eating Only Veggies;

A. Super Foods For Brain Power

These foods increase brain function, reduce the risk of developing brain-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The list includes:

1. Salmon

Salmon is a cold water fish and is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial for the heart health as well as brain function. It also contains astaxanthin (chemical) responsible for youthful appearance. It also contains rich sources of vitamins E and D.

2..Canola Oil

Cooking food with canola oil instead of sunflower oil can increase your intake of Omega-3 fatty acids. The two fatty acids abundant in canola oil are Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and Linoleic acid.

The first one is the omega-3 fatty acid which prevents heart attacks and paralytic strokes as it stops cholesterol. The latter (omega-6 fatty acid) is necessary for the brain and for growth of infants.

3. Eggs

Choline, as mentioned above is present in eggs.  Choline is also good for stress management and memory.

4. Almonds

Almonds are usually called the ‘brain food.’ The reason is obvious. It gives you a lot of energy and contains ‘choline’ which is a precursor to a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine

5. Shellfish

Shellfish contains high amount of Vitamin B12, magnesium, iron and potassium. These nutrients and minerals are crucial for the brain function.


Though categorized as ‘too fatty’, this green fruit is a gold mine for all things great (in terms of nutrients of course!).  Certain nutrients in avocados reduce the risk of developing a stroke. A stroke occurs when there is a blood clot in the vessel that blocks the flow of blood to the brain. They have more potassium than bananas.

B. Super Foods For Dental Health

A smile is complete only with teeth, or so they say. We need to keep teeth strong for easy chewing and digestion of food. These foods aid in the strengthening of teeth and keeping it cavity free.

1. Cooked Spinach

Spinach is a good source of magnesium. Magnesium forms the hard enamel of the teeth that resists decay.

2.Raw Broccoli

Raw broccoli is rich in magnesium which is required for healthy teeth.

C. Super Foods For Stronger Bones

With escalating age, come weak and brittle bones. The risk of developing osteoporosis is higher in women than in men. The foods below, fortify bones and strengthen them.

1. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is delicious. So is their nutritional value. It has an estimated amount of calcium between 318 mg and 156 mg.


Collards are in the cabbage family. Half a cup of collards contains about twenty percent of the daily recommended portion of calcium.

3. Dandelion

Dandelion? Yep. They give you a fair share of Boron and calcium.


This leafy vegetable is capable of increasing the estrogen levels in aging women.

5. Kale

Kale is rich in Vitamin K and calcium. Vitamin K helps in healthy blood clotting. Kale is also listed as one of the world’s healthiest vegetables.

D. Super Foods With Rich Nutrients

As the elderly produces less body fluid needed for digestion, they tend to eat less amount. Therefore, these foods should not be high in sugars or alcohol, but high in proteins and vitamins.

1. Bananas

Bananas are high in potassium. Also, they are fiber-rich. Therefore, munch on a banana rather than a piece of cake which has nothing, but just sugars and no nutrients. Since banana is a soft fruit, it can be a wonderful snack for senior citizens having dentures on or weaker teeth.

2. Peanut Butter

All kinds of butter should be consumed in moderation (for their amount of fat content!).

When taken in moderation, peanut butter serves as a good midday snack as it lowers cholesterol levels, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Almonds, walnuts, peanuts and cashew nuts. These are wonderful sources of fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins which fight cancer and lower the risk of cholesterol. Cashew nuts are rich in zinc & iron and is nicknamed as ‘brainpower booster’. No better reason to start munching on them.

E. Super Foods For Higher Antioxidant Power

Anti-oxidants are responsible for neutralizing free radicals and keeping the skin, body and mental health checked. They prevent cancer and help your body absorb as much nutrients as possible.

1. Carrots

Carrots are good for the eyes, or so says the school lessons. This root veggie is rich in a compound called beta-carotene (powerful antioxidant). Carrots are eaten either raw or steamed. Steamed carrots will suit those with weak teeth.Carrot is a super vegetable loaded with antioxidants that reduces the cancer risks at high rate. Carrots are very good for eye sight and has good amount of Vitamins in it.

Vitamins & Minerals In Carrot

Carrots are very good sources of essential vitamins and minerals needed for your health especially Biotin, Potassium, Vitamin A (beta carotene), K1 (Phylloquinone) and the B6.

Vitamin A: Beta Carotene’s are rich in carrots which provide the Vitamin A, very much needed for good skin, good vision, growth and development of immune systems and nutrients absorption.

Biotin: The Biotin plays an important function on Fat & Protein metabolism and is found in carrots.

Vitamin K1: Vitamin K1 aka Phylloquinone is essential for blood coagulation and promotes bone health.

Potassium: Potassium is very essential for our body function including the control of blood pressure.

Vitamin B6: The Vitamin B6 (group of related vitamins) is involved in converting and breaking down the food into energy.

Health Benefits of Carrots

Like we discussed earlier, Carrots are loaded with healthy benefits.

Reduces Cancer Risk: The diets rich in Carotenoids (Carrots are rich source) helps the immune system to fight against several cancer risks like prostate, colon, stomach and even lungs (based on dated research). Women with high levels of carotenoids have more protection against breast cancer risks.

Lowers Blood Cholesterol Levels: Regular intake of Carrots in your diet reduces the blood cholesterol levels and keeps them in check avoiding heart risk-factors.

Weight Loss: Carrots are a good weight loss food that doesn’t starve your body from needed nutrients and vitamins. Carrots are low-calorie and give the feeling of fullness and decrease your intake of more quick meals.

Healthy Eye-Sight: Low Vitamin A levels leads to night blindness, vision focus and sight clarity. Carrots which are rich in Vitamin Ais a good remedy for healthy eye sight, clear vision and cuts down the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

2. Spinach

Spinach is rich in an amino acid called Lutein. This compound can reduce the signs of macular degeneration in the initial stages.

3. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene. Lycopene falls in the carotenoid group. It is an anti-cancer agent and aids in heart health. A very less known fact about lycopene is that it acts as an internal sunscreen and protects in sunburn.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are usually included in morning oatmeal breakfast. They have one of the highest antioxidant content in the whole berry family and fight a range of diseases.  Vitamin 6 and folate present in blueberries prevent the accumulation of the compound known as homocysteine. This homocysteine has the ability to damage blood vessels leading to heart problems. In addition, they assist in enhancement of brain power.

5. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes should not be confused with sugary and starchy yams.  The former has lots of beta carotene and Vitamin A. Since it is soft, it helps with easy digestion and chewing. They contain anthocyanins (cyanidins and peonidins) known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

These potatoes also contain in abundance B6 vitamins, vital for breaking down of homocysteine, the substance contributing to the hardening of arteries and blood vessels. It reduces blood pressure by maintaining the fluid balance in human body. Potassium, the electrolyte found in sweet potatoes assists in regulating the heart beat.

F. Less Sugar, More Natural

Check for other terms for sugar such as sucrose, corn syrup and maltose. This includes dextrose, fructose and molasses. Chose fresh vegetables & foods than canned and processed ones.  For bread, choose sugar-free variants such as tortillas. Go for low carb and also sugar-free variants of ice creams if you must indulge.

1. Whole Grain Bread, five seeds sprouted breads and whole grain breads have a lower glycemic index. This is suitable for those people with diabetes.

2. Low-Fat Yogurt has a glycemic index of 33. It is a healthier option over ice creams and serve as a healthy snack as well.

3. Diet Drinks are not advisable, try to sip on a soda drink that has zero caffeine and is sugar-free.

G. Importance Of Less Salt

Without salt, food becomes tasteless. But high intake of salt will cause high blood pressure and heart disease. Older adults should restrict their intake of salt, especially in those processed meat such as luncheon meat, ham, corned beef, potato chips and soy sauce. Choose to flavor foods with herbs and spices rather than salt.

1. Lima Beans

They are also called butter beans for their buttery texture. 1 cup of lima beans offers more than the daily recommended portion of Molybdenum. Just three-fifths cup of lima beans contains just over 1mg of sodium. These legumes are rich in fiber which prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly. This is suitable for consumption for those having diabetes, hypoglycemia and insulin resistance.

2. Brussel Sprouts

Brussels sprouts boast of special health benefits in DNA protection. Studies showed that the stability of DNA in the white blood cells improved upon regular consumption of Brussels sprouts. A serving of approximately 100g of Brussels sprouts contain just 10mg of sodium.

3. Fresh Coconuts

Coconut fibers relatively slow down the release of sugars or glucose. This will require lesser amount of insulin to be released by your pancreas and convert food into energy. Coconut reduces the craving for sweet foods. They make a wonderful snack than chips with a comparatively low salt content.

4. Lean Beef

Lean meat/ beef provide high-quality protein. Protein helps to build collagen. Avoid deep cooking or frying as this will produce unwanted chemicals that will undo the anti-aging and healing properties.

5. Limit Alcohol Consumption

If you can, stay away from alcohol as much as possible. Alcohol has no nutritional values or any of those sorts. It only adds up to the kilojoules.

H. Get As Much As Vital Nutrients

Staying active even after 80 might seem a Herculean task, but nothing is impossible! Here are a few nutrients that you will be needing and how to get enough of it.

1. Vitamin B12

B12 is a blood creating nutrient. It is important in the creation of new blood cells and the DNA. It helps in healthy nerve function. Absorption of B12 is slower in older adults than in younger adults. Even though if your regular meals contains enough Talk to your physician about taking B12 supplements.

2. Calcium

Human bones are made up of mainly calcium. The primary function of calcium is to maintain and build bones. A lack of calcium will cause the bones to be brittle and fragile. Make sure you get at least three servings of low-fat milk a day. Other good dietary sources include kale and broccoli (see above). The best source of calcium is dairy products, not calcium.

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is calcium’s best friend. It helps in the calcium absorption of the body. This increases bone density and prevents osteoporosis. Recent studies also show that Vitamin D may protect us from other diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune disease. Also, Vitamin D deficiency has links to frequent falling incidents. Many foods are now fortified and improved with Vitamin D. These are cereals, some yogurts and juices. Furthermore, vitamin D is also found in salmon and tuna.

Hope these tips can prove that anyone who follows these diet method from little one to old age person, can live a happy and a healthy life.