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    15 Home Remedies For Vitamin B3 Deficiency (Pellagra)

    home remedies for pellagra

    Did you know that deficiency of vitamins could give rise to countless health disorders? Though there are numerous of them, today we will focus on telling about pellagra or vitamin B3 deficiency. This ailment is usually found in poor countries who suffer from lack of nutritious diet. The name comes from the Italian words – […]

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    10 Famous People You Had No Idea Were HIV Positive

    list of famous people with HIV

    Celebrities are not all clean and glamorous. They not only keep beautiful gowns and suits inside their closets but also maintain some darkest and deepest secrets well hidden behind the closed doors. However, since secrets cannot be kept forever, people will ultimately know. Here is the list of famous people with HIV AIDS. 10 Famous […]

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    10+ Natural Home Remedies For Diarrhea In Kids & Adults

    Home remedies for diarrhea

    Before looking at the home remedies for diarrhea, let’s look at the symptoms and causes of diarrhea. Diarrhea is one of the commonest conditions that affect millions globally. So, the question is how will you know if you have diarrhea? Well, if you have been passing motion more than thrice a day in a streak […]

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    How Long Does Food Poisoning Last?

    Many of us would have suffered food poisoning at some point or the other in our lives. To me, it is a horrible go-through condition. Such are the times when you often wonder how long does food poisoning last? I will explain you about this in detail through this post. But before I tell you […]

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    15 Natural Home Remedies For Sinus Infection (Sinusitis)

    home remedies for sinus

    The sinuses can be described as air-filled spaces that are located at the rear of the forehead, eyes, cheeks and nasal bones. When the sinuses are inflamed and congested, the symptom is known as a sinus infection, and it can be caused due to outdoor and indoor airborne allergens or any artificial additives. However, some […]

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    15 Home Remedies for Stomach Ache That Effectively Work

    home remedies for stomach ache

    They say that the way to reach a man’s heart is through his stomach, and so the good health of the stomach is important not just physically but emotionally as well, I guess! Stomach ache or stomach ache is also referred as abdomen pain, which is one of the most commonly occurring ailment in our day-to-day […]

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    Natural Home Remedies For 100 Most Common Diseases

    most common diseases

    No one loves to visit a doctor but no matter how fit and healthy a person is, he or she is bound to experience any of these most common diseases. In a world where health problems are growing day after day, this list of common microbial ailments and viral infections has been reported to remain […]