Hibiscus is described as a flowering plant of the family Malvaceae. It grows in warm temperate, tropical, and semi-tropical climates. Hibiscus flowers can be classified into many types like Hibiscus amottianus, Hibiscus hirtis, and the Pink hibiscus. Apart from being a beautiful flower, there are many health benefits of hibiscus. So, no wonder why people around the world, enjoy its drink.
A recent study found that hibiscus extract might have an effect on metabolism, preventing obesity and fat buildup in the liver.
Hibiscus tea is called by various names in different parts of the world. Roselia in Australia, flor de Jamaica in parts of Latin America, and sorrel in Jamaica. Before we list down the surprising health benefits of hibiscus flower, let us know about this flower deeper. And hibiscus tea benefits is yet to popularise around the world.
Why Is Hibiscus Flower So Important?
It is the “national flower of Haiti” People of Haiti mention about this flower in their national slogan, which also makes a strong tourism factor. Besides Haiti, it is also the national flower of South Korea and Malaysia (but the varieties are Hibiscus syriacus & Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis respectively). The flower is also used in divine interpretations of Hindu religion.
Though there are many classifications of Hibiscus Flower, the most common types of Hibiscus plants grown in the garden are tropical hibiscus, hardy perennial hibiscus, and hardy shrub hibiscus.
1. Tropical Hibiscus
Tropical hibiscus is found in various colors like orange, red, yellow and even different colors. It can be grown in gardens, but the temperature should not be in the same pattern as winter. It is better that they are grown in pots or containers so that they could be brought indoors in very cold conditions.
2. Hardy Perennial Hibiscus
For this type of hibiscus, it is better to get the guidance of a wise gardener regarding the environmental conditions and location. In this type, full sunlight is essential, and the soil, similar to the previous type should be well drained and rich. In summer, the soil should be kept moist. If this type is grown in the garden, it is better to add mulch to the roots to hold the moisture and prevent damage from frost.
3. Hardy Shrub Hibiscus: Rose-Of-Sharon
The larger shrubs, as well as the trees found in this type, are known as Rose-of-Sharon, Althea, or the Latin name – Hibiscus syriacus. In a garden, the plant can bring beauty and it is a Godsend for butterflies and hummingbirds. It can grow to ten feet in length and breadth; the leaves are dark green, and flowers are in the colors of lavender, blue, pink as well as white. The Hibiscus plants are known for their big, colored flowers, which can make a garden appear like heaven. They are one of the best decorative pieces for indoors.
10 Best Health Benefits Of Hibiscus Flower
In recent times, hibiscus flowers are made into syrup (very popular in Australia) for drinks, wines, and cocktails. In fact, dried Hibiscus leaves are widely used in Mexican cuisine. Now let us look at the hibiscus benefits and its medicinal properties of the Hibiscus:
1. Hibiscus Benefits For Hair
The medicinal components found in the plant are Vitamin C and minerals. The polyphenol compounds in the leaves of this plant have been known to contain anti-inflammatory properties. The flowers on their part (if concoctions are prepared) are believed to cure ailments such as loss of hair, cough, and graying of hair. For natural hair treatment with hibiscus, the flowers are dried, ground to fine powder, and mixed with some water to apply on the scalp.
2. Hibiscus Medicinal Ingredients Can Treat Head Lice
One of the best benefits of hibiscus flower is that it can remove head lice. You would be surprised to know that hair loss that occurs due to thyroid problems can also be prevented to some extent if you consume a cup of healthy hibiscus tea or apply a smooth hibiscus paste on the scalp. To prevent premature graying of hair, parts of hibiscus plant can stimulate the production of the blood and ensure that vital nutrients reach the hair follicles. The taste of hibiscus tea is usually sour, as it prepared from dried leaves, flowers, and calyces (center of the flower which has a cup shape).
3. Hibiscus Tea Benefits also includes Fever, Constipation, and Cold Cures
Since ancient times, hibiscus has been used in different cultures as a remedy for treating various conditions, for example, the Egyptians used the hibiscus tea of this flower for lowering the temperature of the body, treating nerve and heart diseases, and the best use was as a diuretic. Due to the cooling effects of hibiscus tea, fever can also be reduced. In other parts of the world such as Africa, the parts of the plant (such as flowers) was used in the treatment of liver disease, symptoms of cold and constipation. Hibiscus flowers have been popularised as a healthy flower and also used as a medicine in menopause treatment. The pulp or juice made from these leaves can treat skin wounds. This is one of the most know hibiscus tea benefits around the world.
4. Hibiscus Benefits Lowers High Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Levels
In recent times, this plant is becoming popular as an effective remedy for high blood pressure (or hypertension). Besides this, it reduces high cholesterol levels (A major reason for most heart attacks). The bioflavonoid compounds in the hibiscus tea can assist in the prevention of cholesterol; thus, resulting in a healthy heart. The regulation of blood pressure is done naturally and it neither done by altering the potassium levels in the blood nor by modifying the balance in salt-water.
5. Hibiscus Tea Beneficial to Calm Hot Flashes
Hibiscus tea can be one of the best health drinks for women. Do you know why? Well, it contains all the essential antioxidants to fight against the aging signs and makes a woman look 5 times younger than her actual age. Besides this, it calms the hot flashes during menopause times. You might not understand this unless you have gone through it. Women, who have experienced this discomforting hormonal imbalance will know how vital it is to consume something that relaxes the annoying side effects of menopause. Moreover, benefits of hibiscus tea are highly effective for curing acne not only in women but also for men.
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6. Hibiscus Tea Can Cure Cancer
Medical research has yet, to throw light in these areas, but according to recent reports, the presence of anthocyanins in hibiscus account for anti-carcinogenic properties.
7. Hibiscus Has Active Flavonoids
The antibacterial properties of hibiscus flowers are said to be due to the presence of a rich amount of Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid). The immune system gets a boost. The presence of minerals and vitamins in the form of flavonoids can assist in calming down the nervous system, and your negative feelings such as depression and anxiety are also eliminated. Some of the active flavonoids in hibiscus are sabdaretine, gossypetin, and hibiscetine.
8.Hibiscus Tea’s Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Hibiscus tea also have anti-inflammatory, anti microbial properties which is also very rich in ascorbic acid. This nutrient is required by the body to boost and stimulate our immune system. Its high anti inflammatory properties, protects us from catching any flu or fever. Hibiscus tea’s cooling effect acts as a key in reducing the fever discomfort.
9.Hibiscus Tea Helps In Digestion
Digestion is yet another health benefits of hibiscus tea. Many people drinks this tea to improve the urination and bowl movements. It has lot of diuretic properties. So it’s used in treating constipation. Weight loss is another benefit you can get from consuming hibiscus tea. It also helps to avoid the colorectal cancer and improves the gastrointestinal system.
10.Relieves From Menstrual Cramp
Health benefits of hibiscus Tea is just tremendous. Specifically it is used to relieve from the menstrual pain. It fixes the hormone imbalances thus reducing the menstruation symptoms such as depression, mood swing, over eating and the pain.
How to Prepare Hibiscus Tea?
Making hibiscus Tea is very easy. You can do it only with hibiscus flower. If you can get a hibiscus directly from your garden, really there is nothing more. You can easily make a tea by plucking down the petals and heat it under the direct sun light. If you don’t get it directly, you can purchase the hibiscus tea powder in your nearby department store or can do online shopping.
Hibiscus tea will seem red in color. It is because of the red color in the hibiscus flower. In a red hair dye, hibiscus is used as a temporary coloring agent. Depending on how much red you want, you can either increase or decrease the flower petals.
Without any further ado, let’s take how to prepare a hibiscus tea.
- 2 tsp dried hibiscus flowers
- boiling water
In a boiling hot water, pour 2 tbsp of dried hibiscus flower. Depending on how strong you expect a tea, you can either increase this number, on decrease it.
Leave the boiling pot in a heating condition for 5 minutes. Then switch off the stove.
Filter those dried flower before you put in a tea cup.
Top 5 Side Effects Of Hibiscus Tea
Although the health benefits of hibiscus are more, they are not without side-effects. Here are a few important ones to make a note of:
- Hibiscus tea should not be consumed by pregnant or breast feeding women.
- It should not be taken by the women who are in medication for fertility treatments. The levels of estrogen in the body are reduced; menstruation is triggered and a miscarriage might be the result.
- Hibiscus tea and hibiscus supplements are not recommended for women who are taking birth control pills.
- Refrain from taking hibiscus tea and its supplements if you are under any hormonal treatment.
- Do not take hibiscus if you are suffering from low blood pressure. It might lower the levels more.
How do I care for a tropical hibiscus?
Very useful oneee.. Nice!
Hi! Am from south korea.. It is our national flower too!!!
More than a year am using hibiscus hair oill! Really very effective one.. Try this…