
Top 15 Super Foods That Can Fight Cancer

Cancer, known in other words such as malignancy, malignant tumor or malignant neoplasm, can be best described as an abnormal growth of cells.

According American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts & Figures 2017,

In 2017, nearly 13% of all cancers diagnosed in adults ages 20 and older will be rare cancers, defined in this report as a cancer with fewer than 6 cases per 100,000 people per year.

You would be surprised to know that there exist more than 100 varieties of cancer such as lung cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. Some of the famous cancer treatments are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Super Foods that can fight cancer

Causes Of Cancer

A few cases of cancer have been reported in certain families, but they have not been linked to the genes. It has to be accepted that only a few portion of some types of cancers have been linked to inheritance.

Medical research has shown that lack of physical activity, being obese and poor diet can contribute to being prone to cancer. However, in this type, after you are diagnosed, you can change your lifestyle to combat symptoms.

Symptoms Of Cancer

An affection of this disease begins with no symptoms. They appear as the spreading happens and vary as on the type of cancer. Usually, medical research calls cancer as the ‘great imitator’ – it is quite common for individuals to get treated for other symptoms of illness. Some of the general symptoms are as follows:

  • A wound that does not heal
  • Differences in bladder or bowel habits
  • Difficulty in swallowing or indigestion.
  • Changes in the color, shape, size of a mole, wart, mouth sore
  • A consistent cough or a headache
  • Unexplained loss of appetite or loss of weight
  • Persistent nausea, vomiting or fatigue.

As the first sentence in the articles points out “Prevention is better than cure.”

We shall look at some of the foods that can fight cancer.

Top 15 Super Foods That Can Fight Cancer

1. Cruciferous Vegetables

These vegetables are those that belong to the cabbage or mustard family, and a list would be enough to fill the entire article. For example, you can note broccoli, cabbage, collards and kale.

The medicinal components are element selenium, sulforaphane and diindolylmethane known for their cancer-fighting properties. On the other hand, cabbage also contains phytonutrients such as glucosinolates that assist in detoxification of the human body.

Super Foods that can fight cancer


Among the cruciferous leafies, broccoli contains more amount of sulforaphane, which enhances the immunity system of the body as well target and eliminate cells that aid in growth of tumors.

2. Pomegranates

Super Foods that can fight cancer

One of the latest anti-cancer fighting nutrients has entered the fray – and it is called as ellagic acid – found in prominence in pomegranate. This medical component can suppress growth of cancer cells as well deactivate cancer-causing compounds. The other foods equally rich in ellagic acid are raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and grapes (red, purple and black).

3.Whole Grains

Instead of refined grains, use whole grains with all bran and germ layers intact as they hold more nutrients and anti-oxidants. It’s been studied by the University of Minnesota that, people who consume whole grains as part of their diet have a 21% – 43% less cancer-risks than those who use refined processed grains. Cancers they tend to Fight includes Stomach, Colon and Breast Cancers.

cancer fighting food

Consume Whole-grain wheat flour rich bread ,take sandwiches that has whole grains, replace the white-flour in your food in any form, make a whole grain wheat flour porridge and avoid processed preservatives added whole grains.

4.Green Tea

If you notice some of the countries where there is more salty food and tobacco, cancer deaths and affected individuals are less in number. The main reason may be consumption of green tea.

Super Foods that can fight cancer

The medicinal compound, that is difficult to pronounce – Green tea has it – EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate as well catechines. EGCG has been found to suppress growth of cancer by prevention of cellular mutations that contribute to development of cancer.

In Japan, consumption of green tea has reduced cases of stomach cancer whereas, in China, you hear fewer cases of pancreatic and rectal cancers in tea consumers when compared between tea and non-tea drinkers.


Legumes are packed with more nutrients and fiber than we think. Green Peas (high in iron too), Beans and Lentils are packed with essential fiber’s, Folate, magnesium, potassium and proteins which are essential for the system to function against free-radical damages and cancer risks.They fight with Colon & Stomach to mention cancers.

cancer fighting food

Consume legumes more often in your diet, include them in your burger patties or sandwich fills. Steam cooking them is better instead of raw oily cooking. Include the steam cooked legumes I your salads too. Take legumes with Vitamin C rich foods to enhance nutrient absorption.

6. Blue Berries

Berries have become famous for their cancer-fighting phytonutrients, particularly the components known as anthocyanins. They reduce the growth of affected cells, and also prevent new blood vessels from suffering the same fate. Another antioxidant that has made significant impact in fighting cancer is known as pterostilbene (found in abundance in blueberries).

Super Foods that can fight cancer

The next time, you extend a hand for some munchies, opt for few berries that can guard your health against cancer and other ailments.


The anti-oxidant rich tomatoes are good for fighting skin cancer risks. The lycopene, glutathione present in the tomatoes protects the internal cells from damage, protects the skin from harmful UV, detoxifies the body and adds good nourishment. It’s not just the two, the tomatoes has more nutrients and anti-oxidants in them.They fight Skin, Breast, Endometrial, Prostate, Mouth with cancers

cancer fighting vegetable

Include tomatoes in your soups and salads. Boiled tomatoes (the heat) will help in releasing the essential lycopene anti-oxidant better than raw tomatoes. Avoid processed ketchups. Prepare tomato sauces by yourself to include in your foods. Tomato juice (with carrot or beet) is excellent free-radical fighting food. Take them routinely

8. Sweet Potatoes

Super Foods that can fight cancer

If you want to have food that can prevent breast cancer, sweet potatoes can be labeled as one among the many. A study conducted on premenopausal women, has shown that eating foods high in beta-carotene, folate, vitamin C and fiber (can we say sweet potatoes?) has proven to reduce risk of breast cancer by around 50 percent.


Garlic’s have the tendency to limit the cancer-risks. Garlic contains an antioxidant compounds like allyl cysteine and allyl disulfide which has been tend to provide protection against free-radical damage and reduces cancer-risks. Antioxidants in garlic tend to reduce Alzheimer’s Diseases, Dementia, Lung, Colon, and Stomach.

cancer fighting food

Add in two or three garlic cloves while you prepare your sauces or dipping’s for your food.  Mix them with vegetables you cook for sandwich fills. You can have garlic tomato soup which is very beneficial. Original healthy garlic salts are available and see if you could use them. But the best way is to consume them in the natural form in cooking instead of salts.

10. Wild Salmon

Super Foods that can fight cancer

A low level of the essential vitamin D in the human body has been linked to cancers such as breast and cancer and improve normalcy in cases of lung cancer. Vitamin D has been known to block the development of certain blood vessels that aid in growth of cancer tumors. So, you can feast on numerous vitamin D rich foods such as wild salmon, and dairy products such as yogurt and milk. You can also find Vitamin D in sardines, mackerel or catfish.

11.Green Tea

If you notice some of the countries where there is more salty food and tobacco, cancer deaths and affected individuals are less in number. The main reason may be consumption of green tea.

Super Foods that can fight cancer

The medicinal compound, that is difficult to pronounce – Green tea has it – EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate as well catechines. EGCG has been found to suppress growth of cancer by prevention of cellular mutations that contribute to development of cancer.

In Japan, consumption of green tea has reduced cases of stomach cancer whereas, in China, you hear fewer cases of pancreatic and rectal cancers in tea consumers when compared between tea and non-tea drinkers.

12. Turmeric

Super Foods that can fight cancer

Labeled as the yellow colored spice found in any curry recipes, the magical medicinal component to make an impact in cases of fighting cancer is – you heard it right – curcumin. It performs the role of an anti-oxidant and acts as an anti-inflammatory compound. A study conducted on lab animals has shown this chemical prevents cancer of the colon, liver, lung, stomach and breast. You get a good recipe out of mixing this spice and also it also provides cancer-fighting abilities. What more do you want?

13. Grapefruit

Super Foods that can fight cancer

Vitamin C assists in the prevention of (okay, hold it, it is the same as in previous foods) cancer causing compounds. Similar to grapefruit, the other foods rich in vitamin C are oranges and bell peppers. Studies have shown that having food rich in this vitamin have found to reduce the risk of cancer linked to the esophagus, cervix, bladder, breast and stomach. So next time, you opt for orange juice out of thirst, remember you are also piling the anticancer vitamin in your body.

14. Beans

The essential medicinal ingredient in this food is the folic acid (Vitamin B9) or folate that exhibits anticancerous properties. People with low amounts of folate have been prone to cancer. It prevents mutations of the cell thus stopping cancer in its path. The foods rich in folate are peas, lentils, asparagus etc.

Super Foods that can fight cancer

Beans belong to the legumes family, and it contains more levels of fatty acid butyrate that fights against cancer growth.

15. Ground Flaxseed

Super Foods that can fight cancer

Involving ground flaxseeds in diet has helped prevent cancer growth. The omega 3 fatty acids assist in making conditions unfavorable for tumor growth. They also reduce the act of cellular mutations by reducing inflammation of cells. You can mix the ground flaxseeds in smoothies and yogurt to avail of the benefits.

We are sure that you might find some other foods in the internet for fighting cancer such as tomatoes and walnuts. We hope to add them soon. Keep in touch for updates!

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