
10 Best Home Remedies for Anemia

Anemia is a condition where the cell count of the red blood cells (RBCs) in the body goes below the required level. It is the hemoglobin in the RBCs that help carry the vital oxygen to all the cells in the body, without which the cells will die. Thankfully, there are several effective home remedies for anemia that are simple and easy.

When an anemic condition prevails, the organs and tissues are starved of oxygen, which the blood is unable to deliver. The minimum required quantity is 13 gm of hemoglobin per deciliter for men and 12 gm for women according to the World Health Organization. People with lower counts are considered anemic.

Anemia can also be caused by any condition or disease that disrupts the normal life span of red blood cells, and it can happen even by excessive loss of blood. People with chronic diseases, particularly women, run the risk of being anemic. Blood loss can occur during menstruation, having ulcers, or suffering intestinal disorders. Even pregnant women tend to be anemic, when there is a general deficiency of iron and folic acid.

Causes of Anemia

  • Excessive loss of blood during menstruation
  • Regular use of self-prescribed pain killers
  • Vitamin deficiency leading to deficiency in folate
  • Destruction of RBCs (red blood cells) in the body

Symptoms of Anemia

  • General fatigue and restlessness
  • Weakness felt in the body, lack of energy
  • Skin turning pale yellowish in color
  • Heart palpitations, or irregular heartbeats
  • Feeling dizzy and lightheaded, sense of vertigo

See a doctor immediately if:

  • Fatigue continues without reasons
  • Restlessness and paleness of skin color persist
  • Irregular heartbeats become frequent

10 Incredible Home Remedies for Anemia

There are several home remedies to rectify and cure anemia. Here are a few popular ones:best home remedies for anemia

10. Blackstrap Molasses


  • Mix 2 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) in a glass of warm water.
  • Drink this concoction twice a day for 2 to 4 weeks.

How does this work?

Blackstrap molasses is an excellent folk remedy, and it is very rich in iron and folate, which are found in it naturally. Moreover, traces of Vitamin B are also found in blackstrap molasses. All these naturally found components in blackstrap molasses help in increasing the count of red blood corpuscles. Moreover, it is safe for chronic diabetics to consume blackstrap molasses as it has a low glycemic index. All these qualities make blackstrap molasses one of the best home remedies for anemia.

The Remedy is not Good, if:

  • If the condition is very acute and requires immediate hospitalization.

9. Beetroot, Carrot and Sweet Potato


  • Take a medium sized beetroot, 2 medium sized carrots, and a medium sized sweet potato. Peel and wash them. Dice all the three ingredients in a blender and add some water.
  • Drink the juice twice daily for 2 to 4 weeks.

How does this work?

For people who are wondering about how to treat anemia at home, this combo of beetroot, carrot and sweet potato comes as a boon. This combo is rich in iron, hence when anemia is triggered due to iron deficiency. Moreover, all the three vegetables are rich in fiber and have a high content of calcium and potassium, which is good for the heart. Besides, this combo is  also rich in sulfur and vitamins, making it a super food that makes one of the best home remedies for anemia.

The Remedy is not Good, if:

  • If the condition is very acute and requires immediate hospitalization.

8. Spinach Soup


  • Take a bunch of fresh spinach leaves. Wash it and dice it in the blender.
  • Add a teaspoon of pepper and make soup. Boil the soup for 15 minutes.
  • Drink 1 glass of warm soup every day for 2 to 4 weeks.

How does this work?

Green leafy vegetables are rich in iron and vitamins and are considered good for health. Especially spinach, which a green leafy vegetable that is rich in iron and is an excellent home remedy for anemia is recommended by the Ayurvedic system of medicine and by the allopathic system of medicine as well. While preparing the soup, add a spot of extra virgin olive oil along with some chopped onions and garlic to make it more palatable. Salt need not be added as salt is present naturally in spinach.

The Remedy is not Good, if:

  • There is no reason why this remedy won’t be good, except in cases of acute anemia where medical intervention and treatment are warranted.

7. Pomegranate Juice


  • Get a couple of ripe pomegranates.
  • Take half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 2 teaspoons of pure, raw honey.
  • Peel and juice the pomegranate and add the cinnamon powder and honey.
  • Drink a cup of this juice daily for 2 to 4 weeks.

How does this work?

Pomegranate has found to be rich in iron, folate and other minerals. The presence of calcium and magnesium are additional benefits of consuming pomegranate regularly. It is rich in Vitamin C, which is essential for treating anemic conditions.

Consuming raw pomegranate regularly over a period of time helps in generating more red blood cells and increasing the hemoglobin level in the blood as well making it one of the best home remedies for anemia. Note that the pomegranate juice needs to be consumed in the mornings, preferably on an empty stomach.

The Remedy is not Good, if:

  • There is no reason why this remedy won’t be good, except in cases of acute anemia where medical intervention and treatment are warranted.

6. Dates and Milk


  • Take four to five dates and remove the seeds. Smash the dates and soak them in a glass of milk overnight. Eat the dates on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Follow this with the glass of milk. Repeat the process for a month.

How does this work?

Dates are an excellent source of Potassium, Sodium and Magnesium. Dates are also rich in iron, and they have been the staple food of the people living in the Gulf areas for centuries. Dates are known to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also considered an effective anti-carcinogen and protects from nephritis. Dates can be converted into syrup, paste, jam, and juice or eaten as they are. All these qualities of dates make it one of the perfect home remedies to cure anemia.

The Remedy is not Good, if:

  • There is no reason why this remedy won’t be good, except in cases of acute anemia where medical intervention and treatment are warranted.

5. Jaggery and Chickpeas


  • Soak 250 gm of chickpeas in water overnight. Pressure cook the chickpeas.
  • Powder 50 gm of raw Jaggery. Add the powdered Jaggery to cooked chickpeas and stir.
  • Eat this mixture twice daily.

How does this work?

Jaggery is extracted from sugarcane juice. The juice is boiled until it solidifies to form Jaggery. This unrefined sugar is very rich in iron and other nutrients required for the body. Jaggery helps increase the hemoglobin level in the blood and gets rid of iron deficiency.

Chickpeas are a rich source of iron and folate, both of which are essential for the regeneration of red blood cells. Moreover, chickpeas are rich in protein which helps in combating fatigue and energizes the body. This is a winning combo and is considered one of the easiest and best home remedies to cure anemia.

The Remedy is not Good, if:

  • There is no reason why this remedy won’t be good; however chronic diabetics should restrict the intake of Jaggery.

4. Vitamin C Rich Fruits


  • Make a glass or fresh orange juice. Alternatively, make a glass of grapefruit juice.
  • Make a glass of Lemon Juice. Drink any one of these juices regularly for a month.
  • You may also consume strawberries in milk.

How does this work?

Vitamin C has an important role to play in treating anemic conditions. It enhances the body’s capacity to absorb iron from the gastrointestinal tract. Hence consuming fruits and vegetable rich in Vitamin C is essential for treating cases of anemia.

Note that instead of taking Vitamin C supplements; it is advisable to seek natural sources of Vitamin C, which get absorbed by the body quickly. However, consumption of foods rich in Vitamin C may not be sufficient for treating chronic anemic cases like sickle cell anemia or hemolytic anemia.

The Remedy is not Good, if:

  • There is no reason why this remedy won’t be good, except in cases of acute anemia where medical intervention and treatment are warranted.

3. Honey and Lemon Juice


  • Get a fresh lemon and cut in two halves. Squeeze the juice and mix in 2 glasses of water
  • Take 2 teaspoons of pure, organic honey and mix in lemon juice. Drink this juice twice daily for a month or so.

How does this work?

Lemons are an excellent source of Vitamin C which is essential for treating anemic cases. Increased quantities of Vitamin C in the body help the body absorb the iron into the system and combat the reduction of red blood cells.

Honey is a natural medicine that enhances the immunity system. It has been recommended as a folk medicine to cure many ills and is known to fight anemia and help build up the stamina in the body and gets rid of fatigue associated with anemia. Hence, the combo of lime juice and honey is one of the easiest and most effective home remedies for anemia.

The Remedy is not Good, if:

  • There is no reason why this remedy won’t be good, except in cases of acute anemia where medical intervention and treatment are warranted.

2. Sesame Seeds and Honey


  • Soak ¼ cup of sesame seeds in water overnight. Crush the sesame seeds to make a fine paste. Mix 2 teaspoons of organic honey with the sesame paste.
  • Consume this daily for a month.

How does this work?

Sesame seeds are rich in iron, hence consuming sesame seeds daily increases the iron in the body and helps regenerate the red blood cells in the body. With an increased count of RBCs, the anemic condition can be treated successfully.

Honey helps in treating the fatigue caused by anemia and offers instant energy. Moreover, honey helps enhance the immunity power of the body and help combat anemia successfully. This combination is considered one of the best home remedies for anemia.

The Remedy is not Good, if:

  • There is no reason why this remedy won’t be good, except in cases of acute anemia where medical intervention and treatment are warranted.

1. Fenugreek Seeds and Rice


  • Soak 2 to 3 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Add the soaked fenugreek seeds to a cup of raw rice.
  • Cook the rice-fenugreek combination in a pressure cooker. Add some salt and eat the fenugreek rice hot daily. Continue the process at least for a month for best results.

How does this work?

Fenugreek is a rich source of iron and is an excellent remedy for treating anemic conditions. Moreover, it helps in keeping fever under control and is great for stomach disorders and bilious conditions.

It helps cure mouth ulcers as well, and is a great food for chronic diabetics. The health benefits of fenugreek are numerous. While eating cooked fenugreek with rice is good for treating anemic conditions, it is always advisable to eat raw sprouted fenugreek seeks to get the maximum health benefits. Fenugreek is certainly one of the best home remedies for anemia.

The Remedy is not Good, if:

  • There are no known side effects of applying this remedy in your day-to-day lives.


Leave a Reply
    • Yes, hereditary disorders can cause anemia. Hereditary anemia can be mild or severe depending upon the severity of the genetic disorder. Hereditary disorders hamper the production of hemoglobin, which can result in anemia.

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